Hello, everybody involved in the Purist plot!
I want to make this short, sweet and simple!
Basically, I was hoping to use this post here for all of us to get in touch with one another concerning where we're at in-character wise. You know, to kind of put things into order!
There's an IC information post
here! that Garrus has put together! Which…
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If there's anything that you think he could help with, or that the clinic would be useful for, I'm open to plotting ideas? Kakashi already talked to John briefly about GalaTrex. I was also thinking that eventually the clinic itself might become a target for Purist extremists? I think I've had John mention to someone (probably Sherlock) that there have already been some problems with graffiti and minor vandalism.
From what I understand the extremists aren't going to come in until a bit later on, but it has huge potential for becoming a huge plot point.
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