Story Title:
A Rose (In Another Man's Garden)Story Author:
memphis86Read By:
sadcypressRating: PG-13
Format: .mp3
Approximate Length: 15:19 mins
Author's Summary: Sam only wants to eat green things, and Dean wants to eat cake. There's a curse, and letters are written but never sent.
Music used here is the song that inspired Memphis to write this story: 'I Picked a Flower', by The Nu Forest.
Download link here: Story Title:
The Edible ManStory Author:
memphis86Read By:
sadcypressRating: NC-17
Format: .mp3
Approximate Length: 28:12 mins
Author's Summary: Dean's going through a rough patch. Sam still has issues with green things. There's a few more letters, and a lot more sex.
Music used here is another excellent choice from the
soundtrack memphis86 put together for these fics: 'Sweet Sweet', by the Smashing Pumpkins.
Download link here: Many thanks to the amazing
general_jinjur for hosting these!
Reader's Notes: For both of these stories, the official pairing is Sam/Dean, but as
memphis86 acknowledged herself in the companion piece, Dean/Cake is the OTP here. The letters of 'Rose' are a scream, the caketalk in each made me drool while recording, and the unexpected emotional whallop of 'Edible Man' hits me every time. Go shower
memphis86 with some love. And cake. It's what Dean would want you to do.
ETA: And now there's a fabulous podbook format from
cybel here at
podslash! I'd never encountered this format before, but it's definitely the way to go, so go download from there and give
cybel some lovin' for being Just That Awesome. :)