Age: 11
Height: uhh... 5'-5'2/152-157 cm
Weight: 90-100 lbs?/41-45 kgs
Medical Info: Perfectly healthy
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Reddddd
Physical traits: Normal is the name of the game. She has lots of freckles and fair skin to go with her red hair.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: She's seen weirder stuff. Bring it.
Abilities: In Young Wizards, basically the wizards are agents of any deity you deign to acknowledge (or not) and it's their job to fix the universe! So anything they can describe accurately in the Speech and can afford to spend the energy on is fair game. Dairine doesn't have as much power as she used to, and oftentimes small spells can be a strain, so I wouldn't anticipate any redonkulous shenanigans going on without provocation.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Dairine has the computer language of a sentient robot species she created in her head. She probably pings as a universe repair person of The Powers That Be. She has a psychic connection with her laptop, Spot.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure! Contact would be nice but whatevs.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Sure!
Maim/Murder/Death: BAD END please do not.
Cooking: She is probably the Queen of Easy Mac, but mostly Nita does the cooking for their family at home.
Other: For a variety of reasons, I cannot read A Wizard's Dilemma. They generally all culminate to the fact that it has been a rough time this year re: cancer + my family, so I want to extend an invitation to talk to me if you notice anything that may conflict with that book in particular. You can leave a comment here, in my crit post, or email me at nadiamaple at gmail dot com. I want to make sure I can stay as true to Dairine as I can while respecting my personal boundaries. Thanks for understanding.