Three, no four things I have been obsessing over today...

Jun 19, 2009 23:48

Um, you may have not noticed, but I have a ridiculous amount of basically useless trivia floating around in my head. So, if you're interested, this is what I have been obsessing over today...

1.  Firstly, has anyone seen this video of David A doing 'Zero Gravity' live in Manilla?

In scientifically analyzing his presentation and movements, I can now definitively state that he is clearly over the legal age of consent. This relieves my mind greatly.

Interested in deciding for yourself?

image Click to view

2. Secondly, since I have been listening to Cookie's music on my ipod pretty well continuously for, well... months... I have noticed a problem in one of my favourite songs.

This has led me to form an unfortunate mondegreen. (Defn: A series of words that result from the mishearing or misinterpretation of a statement or song lyric. For example, I led the pigeons to the flag or I pledge my liver to the flag.) BTW, I did pledge my liver to the flag... all the way until grade 4 in Wisconsin.

Can you find the problem and see what my perverted mind has come up with? I will helpfully bold the problem area.

HEROES, By David Cook
I’m not going to come down
Down off of these clouds
All these heroes come and go
But you’re still standing
You teach me to rise up
To open my eyes up
All these heroes come and go
But you’re still standing
You’re still standing

You know the world’s confusing I don’t care

I crawl into your atmosphere
I know you’ll make it right
You’re all I need to know...

OK, Obvious problem, 'care' and 'at-mos-ph(f)eer' DO NOT RHYME.
As for 'right' and 'know', um, David... not seeing the connection here...
David! This hurts me.

OK, Here is the mondegreen my sick mind has come up with...

You know the world’s confusing I don’t care

I crawl into your underwear
I know you’ll make it right
You’re all I need tonight...

So? Is mine better or what?

3. Thirdly and lastly, I am finally reading "Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation " (found it second-hand, SCORE!) which is just as good as anticipated. If anyone hasn't read it, run out and do so. You too will become a punctuation vigilante! (My new calling, I have decided.)

Lynn Truss dedicates her book to:

"...the memory of the striking Bolshevik printers of St. Petersburg who, in 1905, demanded to be paid the same rate for punctuation marks as for letters, and thereby directly precipitated the first Russian Revolution."

This person is obviously a QUEEN among grammarians.

This is actually the stuff I get obsessive over, which leads me to believe that I have no life at all.

Also today, I spent a great deal of time researching cuttlefish. Why? I just got interested, and BOOM! There go two hours that I could have been writing Descent 18 in.

On the other hand, we may see cuttlefish in Descent. If so, you'll know where it came from:-)

wittering on an on

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