Regains, relationships, & other notes as necessary.

Dec 07, 2010 17:31


Unless you're some kind of demon or force of darkness, the great goddess Amaterasu probably loves you. That's just what she does. She's the mother to you all.

Kind of a smug little guy, Ammy thinks, and not without his bad points--he can rankle her pride when he tries. But she's sure he means well, and he seems like he's a little lonely here, so she'll do her best to stick by him. He must miss his home, just like she misses hers.

Such a nice girl--but boy, does Ammy ever worry about her. It seems like she wants to be good, but she has this nasty frog encouraging her to be mean and cynical all the time. Ammy really doesn't like the frog, and she hopes Margarita can kick him to the curb sometime soon.

This girl is special! She's always been nice to Ammy, and she lives in a house full of animals. Ammy feels right at home with her and wants to get to know her better.

What's this--someone else who takes the form of the wolf? Well, sometimes, in Aisling's case. Ammy appreciates that; it means the girl knows where she's coming from in this body. But they might have to have a race sometime to see who's the best at being a wolf.

He's a good guy--a little weird, but he's willing to give Ammy his breakfast, so he's cool. He doesn't seem fazed at all by the idea of her being someone special in a wolf's body, either, so she'll happily hang around with him for a while.

Another sun god! He says he's "Greek," whatever that means; Ammy plans to visit this strange land someday after she gets back to the Celestial Plain. In any case, she'll stick by him out of solidarity, but she won't let him forget that she's top dog in the world of solar divinities.

Here's another human who's always willing to talk to Ammy. She appreciates that! Plus, Dawn's just a little girl...she clearly needs a good mother figure around. Ammy will pick up the slack.

Ammy isn't entirely sure what to make of this guy. He doesn't entirely act his apparent age, but then again, neither does she, so it's not like she can hold that against him. He's friendly enough to her, though, so she'll keep an eye on him and try to help him out.

codes by yuanru

Divinity: Amaterasu is once again a divine being rather than simply a white wolf. This means that those with spiritual awareness can sense her. On a more mundane level, it means that her red markings are visible to anyone with either particular spiritual awareness or a strong belief in anything spiritual, be it God, gods, or simply the existence of realms beyond the mortal one. Those with weaker belief may see the markings faintly or out of the corner of their eye; those with no particular belief in such things will still see only a friendly white wolf.
Celestial Brush: Amaterasu once again has the Celestial Brush, which gives her access to all her brush techniques as she regains them. The Brush on its own does almost nothing...but it does mean that if presented with a blank paper or canvas, she can draw on it in black ink out of nowhere.
Greensprout: This is not a single brush technique but an intertwined family of them. By drawing a dot, Ammy can cause a tree to spring up for a few minutes before it fades. By drawing a circle on withered vegetation, she can cause it to spring into bloom (simply drawing a circle in midair causes a brief, ephemeral shower of sakura petals). Finally, by drawing a circle on water, she can create large, sturdy lily pads that can be walked on.

Communication: Amaterasu communicates through body language and, as she regains them, judicious use of her powers. She does not talk. She will never gain the ability to talk. When communicating with telepaths, she will send them vivid images and brief Japanese characters, but never full sentences.
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