A new begining for the same old ruteen.

Sep 10, 2010 12:41

I just remembered a crazy part of my dream last night. It was pritty screwed up. Like 'what the hell was that' kind of screwed up.

I was out with my family at some camp site, but I wasn't actualy at the camp site. I was driving around the small town that the camp site was in, some kind of back woods of Cimpco County (Wow, I really don't know how to spell Cimpco county.....and I've lived there how long?). I was driving along and I came to this park / house place, and there was this guy and this nine or eleven year old girl. And the guy must have been her dad, he was in his mid to late fourties. And he was going on about how talented she was, and how awesome she was, but how badly they have it. And the more he was talking, the more I realized this guy was a con and just taking advantage of his daughter or what ever relationship he had with her. I assumed he was her father.

Finally I call shinanigans on the guy and the girl's eyes bright up and she takes my hand and runs off with me for a bit and says that her father has been abusing her and making her dress up like all those sileberties on the television and movies. She doesn't want to do it any more and she just wants to be a kid. I'm trying to figure out how to get this kid away from her insane father. Then I see the guy tinkering with my car, and I ask him what he was doing. He said he was just looking at my car and that it is a merrical that it's still running. he said it could expload at any time. I look at my car and I see that he's put a bomb on the back bumper. I call him out on it and he said it was there when he got here.

So I call the police, tell them were I am and whats going on. although when I go to read the road signs, they're all in a different language and a different alphabet. So I just tell them the rute I took to get in and they said they knew where that was. Then I walk off with the girl and they guy is yelling and cursing me telling me I can't take his imcome and future fortune away from him. He was saying that he needed her and that she's not going to amount to anything without him. I claps my hands over her ears so she couldn't hear all the valgure he was spewing.

Then we go to this pear city, and it looks like one of the levels in Mario Cart from the Game Cube, and I meet up with one of my friends from Laurentian who was in my english class. She was meeting up with her boyfriend and getting ready for school. We talk for a bit, I introduce her to the girl and then we leave.

Then I'm at this airport with my family, at least I think I am. I can't remember my mom or dad or anyone from my family there, but I do remember being there with my family, even if they weren't there. Don't ask, it doesn't make any sence. We were either coing to, or coming back from either Austrailia or the Bahomas. And I was looking over the side of the plain, even though I asn't in an air plain, and I saw this big river like from Niagra falls. And that's all I can remember.

So school. Now that I've written out my dream from last night, I can get to my school experience for the week.

It's been a really neet experience. I have five courses, and since they're all manditory, I have all the same people in each class. So it's kind of like Elementry school again, where you have the same people in every one of your classes. I love being back in the classroom. When I started on Wednesday morning again, I couldn't help but grin the whole time through. It was great. Although my schedual is kind of weird. Four of my five courses are on Wednesday and Thursday. On both day's I have class from 9AM-12PM and then 6PM-9PM. So I'm essentialy at school from 9AM-9PM. I have a six hour brake between the two classes on both days, but since I walk to school, I think I'm going to be lazy and just stay. This reminds me of my third year at University when I had classes only on Wednesday and Thursday, and had class from 9 straight on until 6. Although I didn't have a brake between classes then. I enjoyed that, so I have a feeling I'll enjoy this.

And the poeple in my classes are great (so far). Everyone is really friendly and there doesn't seem to be any of those "I'm just taking this because I have nothing better to do/only apeasing my parents" which was really domenent in my Undergraduate. And the gender ratio is more equil. There are still alot more females to males, but the number is more like 2/3 instead of being 1/10.

The classes themselves are more and less intence than my Undergratuate. Since there are no tests or Exsams, our marks are based on (almost) weekly assignments. You pritty much have an assingment in each class due every other week. So in one sence, it's less intence. No more studying for hours for a test, no more writing for hours on an 8-15 page paper. But in the other sence it's more intence. You're pritty much working non-stop on another paper or assignment. But there's going to be alot more group work and group projects, so again, it's a traid off that will probibly equil out.

So I'm really looking forward to the school year. It will be really interesting to see where this is going to take me. And the school program is only a year if I play all my cards right! So this time next year, I can have a masters in my hand and then I can work my arse off trying to find a job.

dream, mils, school

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