splendorocity app

Oct 12, 2010 14:34

Player Information:
Name: Atti
Journal: teravolts
Method of Contact: desexing stick (AIM)
Previous characters: n/a

Character Information:
Full Name: Amaterasu
Series: Okami
Canon point: In Yamato's Ark, after defeating all of the previous bosses but before going to face Yami.
Age: Unknown, estimated to be thousands of years old.
Species: Goddess stuck in the form of a wolf.
Appearance/PB: Here is a reference for Ammy's markings/wings.

Ammy's markings and weapons cannot normally be seen. Only those with a strong sense of belief (such as priests and children) can see her markings. Her human form has been seen by one person, but the level of spirituality required to see it (as Ammy willingly sealed herself as a wolf) is unknown. As the character who saw it was a ghost, it's possible that this is a requirement.

Appearance upon arrival: It should be noted that Ammy will not arrive equipped with the reflector seen in the picture linked above, but this one instead. Other than that she'll be no different.

Previous RP memories: --
Bringing someone along?: --
Character History: Here.

As one would except from the Goddess of the sun, Ammy typically has a warm and loving personality, matching her canine appearance. Friendly and sociable, Ammy never has a hard time winning someone over with her charm. She has something of a maternal nature, willing to take one under her wing or outright protect them from a threat. When it comes to dealing with humans Ammy generally has an understanding opinion on them, meaning she'll never be one of those deities who looks down her nose at a human. She'll always help someone in need, no matter what the task, because the happiness of her people is the most important thing to her. Like all mothers, however, Ammy is not afraid to scold, and at times can be rather rash. She doesn't have much patience, unfortunately, which means if you don't cooperate with her within her allotted time span she's likely to drag you off on her own.

On top her rashness, Ammy lives by a "leap before you think" policy. She'll often run head-first into situations without thinking, getting her into some tough spots. However, Ammy has a fierce love for fighting, whether it be for fun or for purifying the land. She's proud of what she does and what she's capable of and isn't afraid to show off what she can do (unfortunately most don't even realize that forest growing back was her doing). Ammy won't doubt herself in any situation, because she has a land to protect and failure is not an option for this mother. Completely confident in her power, even if Ammy finds herself in a difficult situation she won't waver for a second. Generally playful in nature, Ammy's not afraid to slack off every now and then to have a little fun. She's competitive, taking place in almost any kind of contest, from races to digging up turnips.

Despite her recklessness, Ammy is not lacking in intelligence, and will actually become angry with someone if they suggest it. Often at times she has a far better understanding of the situation at hand than anyone else. In fact, it was once implied that Ammy knew that in order to reach Oni Island she would have to willingly hand over the fox rods to Rao, who she might have already known was the Nine-tailed Fox in disguise. Although hardly a strategist in battle, Ammy has a quick mind and can figure out the hardest of puzzles with ease. Human conversation, unfortunately, can be terribly boring to a Goddess, despite how motherly she may be. It's not rare that Ammy's mind will wander during conversation, leading others to believe she's stupid. She has a habit of nodding off and curling up for a nap at the worst of times. If Ammy could talk, it's likely that she would be bluntly honest when it came to her opinion on things.

Being a mother Goddess, Ammy's maternal attitude extends beyond just humans. Protecting Nippon means protecting not only the people, but the trees, the flowers, the rocks, the streams, the animals, everything. When it comes to the safety of her land, Ammy sees no end to what she can do for Nippon. Willingly stripping herself of her human form, she sealed herself in the form of a wolf, only to spend one-hundred years waiting for a prophecy to be fufilled. It's never wise to threaten what Ammy loves, because you'll see a new side to this lackadaisical wolf. Anger her, and Ammy will transform into a warrior capable of tearing down the fiercest of foes. The cost of protecting Nippon is never too high for Ammy, and she would gladly give her life to protect the ones she cares about.

Character Abilities: As a Goddess, Ammy comes with an abundance of abilities. Her main source of power is her celestial brush, which allows her to manipulate the elements to her will. Her brush is not a physical item and its use can be difficult to describe, as it's seen as more of an inner ability. The celestial brush techniques are as follows:
Sunrise- By painting a circle in the sky, Ammy can make the sun rise.

Rejuvenation- Ammy can repair broken things with her brush.

Power Slash- A technique used to deal sharp blows to enemies like a sword and can also be used to cut things outside of battle.

Green Sprout- This is a group of techniques. Bloom makes flowers and other plant-life grow and can restore cursed areas. Water lily creates a giant lily pad in the water for Ammy to stand on. Vine allows Ammy to paint a vine connecting her to an open blossom.

Cherry Bomb- Ammy creates a small bomb.

Water Sprout- If there is a source of water nearby, Ammy can control it to put out fires or attack enemies. She can also create a brief downpour of rain using the secondary technique, deluge.

Crescent- By painting a crescent moon in the sky, Ammy can turn day into night.

Galestorm- Ammy can create gusts of wind.

Inferno- Like Water Sprout, Ammy can control fire.

Veil of Mist- Ammy can slow down time for everyone except her for four seconds.

Catwalk- Using states of Kabegami as a source, Ammy is able to walk up walls. It should be noted that, unless Ammy wishes a statue into splendor, she will not be able to use this technique.

Thunderstorm- Like the other elemental attacks, Ammy draws power from electricity.

Blizzard- The last technique, Ammy can attack using ice.
Possessions: As a videogame character, Ammy has access to a 'hammer space'-like inventory. However, to make things fairer she will have a much more limited inventory in the form of a pack on her back. She will be arriving with:
  • Several bags of animal feed (meat, fish, herbs and seeds.)
  • A hand(paw?)ful of holy bones.
  • One bottle of Steel Fist Sake and one bottle of Steel Soul Sake.
  • One supreme tuna (chopped up and packaged).
  • Various bottles of ink and papers.
  • A tiny bag of orange beads.
  • A whole lot of yen.
  • The water tablet, which allows the user to walk on water.

    Ammy also carries around several other weapons, including glaives (swords) and prayer beads. Again, to make things fair, Ammy will only have one of each, the Thunder Edge and the Tundra Beads. Like her reflector, no normal person will be able to see her glaive or beads.

    Anything else: If there any problems with her powers or what she's bringing, I'll gladly remove some under recommendation.

    Action/Communcation thread/post sample:

    [Alarmingly casual, the large white wolf calmly trots down the sidewalk, seemingly oblivious to the rain. A key dangling around her neck jingles slightly as she goes, matching the muted sounds of her paws against the wet sidewalk. The seal clutched in her mouth, Ammy walks as if she knows what she's doing, yet the vacant look in her dark eyes seems to say otherwise.

    The situation is definitely unusual, but Ammy has deemed the city to be harmless so far. The seal is useless to her, and without Issun here she knows conversation is going to be difficult.

    For all it's worth, however, the goddess has liked what she has seen of the city. It has a warmth to it that reminds her of old times, and it possesses an unusual energy that interests her. To anyone else watching this scene she's just a harmless stray wandering about town, unaware of the gears turning in her head.

    However, this wolf has a destination in mind. The key around her neck goes somewhere and she could very much like to know where. After perhaps a short nap, she intends to find out more about this city. Walking as if she knew where she was going, Ammy turns a sudden corner and disappears into the approaching fog.]

    Log/Prose sample:
    With the last of Orochi's roars echoing off of the carved walls of the ark, the goddess headed towards the center of the boat. The battles had been a mere annoyance to the wolf, who had slain them easily, perhaps because she was so fueled by her anger and sadness. Amaterasu had known that she would eventually have to say good-bye to her would-be envoy, but she had not expect it to come so soon an abruptly as it had. Like the ship she stood in, it left her with an empty and hollow feeling.

    Yet she walked onward towards the center of the ark, towards the last portal that would take her to Yami. She would not back down now, not when she was so close to ending this hundred-year conflict. The fact that her old foes had been waiting for her upon her arrival only painted a clear picture of Yami's cowardice, and Amaterasu was eager to deliver justice well-earned. Aside from the gentle pads of her paws striking the ground, the ark was silent. The celestials had finally passed on thanks to her work, and just now in these final moments was she beginning to truly feel lonely. The sun, even though it was warm and gave life, was always so far away from the land she watched over. This was how it had always been, and once the prince of darkness was dead so the cycle would continue.

    The wolf had been so lost in her thoughts that she did not notice the box until her paw nearly tipped it over. When the jingling sound reached her ears she nearly jumped back in alarm, ready for whatever traps Yami had prepared for her. Instead she found herself staring down a peculiar object, the design and feel of it most unusual. The style was unfamiliar to her, something she had never seen in all of her travels.

    Leaning closer to sniff it, Amaterasu snorted instead. What would Issun do? It screamed 'trap', but since when had that held them back? Even if it was, she knew she could take whatever Yami threw at her. She had spend one-hundred years waiting for this, waiting to confront the one who took her life from her and cast the wave of darkness over Nippon. Leap before you think.

    She nudged it again. The box titled back slightly, and for an instant she pictured it toppling over and crashing into a thousand tiny pieces. She heard the music before the box fully opened and took a wary step back. It was a pleasing tune, but anything mechanical reminded her of the owl demons. When nothing leaped out to attack her, she relaxed slightly, yet her confusion increased. Someone had place this musical box here for her to find, but who? A parting gift from the celestials? Was someone else in here with her? Why...was she growing so tired?

    Feeling the energy draining from her body she staggered back, ears drooping. She could feel the invisible weight of sleep pulling her down, and before she could even yawn she slumped to the ground. The music continued, its melody cradling Amaterasu into a deep slumber.

    The only thing she could think, before her eyes closed, was how angry Issun would be with her for falling for such an obvious trap.
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