Portrayed by: Malin Akerman ("Watchmen")
Miranda Louise Wayne was born at the Beaufort Naval Hospital in Beaufort, SC to Jacob and Linda Wayne. Jacob was a chemistry teacher at Beaufort High Schools while Linda was a US Marine drill instructor stationed at Parris Island. When Miranda was eight years old, her mother moved on from being a drill instructor. She requested the opportunity to stay in Beaufort but was denied the request and was instead transferred to Camp Lejune. On a mutual decision, Jacob and Miranda stayed in Beaufort.
Miranda missed her mother terribly, but the separation lasted for only a year and a half, until Linda was injured on duty and left the Marine Corps. She returned to Beaufort to join her family and began teaching PE at her husband's rival high school, Battery Creek High School. Miranda often enjoyed watching her parents have meaningless arguements over which of their schools was better, and joined in when both of them would complain about the third high school in the county, Hilton Head High School.
When Miranda was older she attended Battery Creek High Scool and participated in their honors program, taking as many honors classes as she could. She was also an active participant in the arts department, showing a tremendous talent for drawing and painting. But science was her real passion, and she took as many science classes as she was allowed. She also joined a science-based Academic Challenge team every year and competed against the rival high school. Her proudest moment was her senior year, when her chemistry team beat the chemistry team her father had been coaching. She graduated valedictorian of her class.
When she graduated she fulfilled one lifelong dream and decided to go to NYU for college. She found herself overwhelmed at first, because she wanted to explore and let loose as much as she wanted to study, but by her second semester of her freshman year she'd settled into a pattern she continued throughout college. She had a dual major in biology and chemistry, and would have had a minor in forensic sciences if they'd offered it, but she did supplement her education by spending her summers interning at the NYPD crime labs. She was initially drawn to DNA analysis, but eventually settled on being a Trace technician who could also handle the DNA analysis if needed.
Once she graduated she was accepted into a full time position at the NYPD crime labs, and within three years had begun to get overwhelemed. Mac noticed and hired Adam Ross to be a second Trace technician on her shift. The two hit it off quickly and she showed him the ropes. They hung out after work and generally were big geeks with each other. Though there was no romantic attraction between them, people they worked with assumed that there was, and they continued to deny it for the next three years.
Because most people assumed Adam was her boyfriend she didn't have many dates since she didn't see many other people outside of the labs. She did strike up other friendships, though, including one with Detective Samantha Hagen, a former FBI agent. During a cross-jurisdictional case with New Orleans her cousin Detective Drew Hagen came up to New York and Miranda was immediately smitten. They dated for a couple months long distance when Miranda found out she was pregnant and realized that it had happened the very first time they slept together.
She decided to keep the baby and encouraged Drew to be involved, but not to leave New Orleans if he really wanted to stay. He agreed but came to New York frequently to help her out. On July 23rd their daughter Talia Renee Grace Wayne (named after two comic book characters, and Drew insisted one of her names not be related to comics, but Miranda found a loophole to that) was born, and she and Miranda stayed in New York where she continued to work for the crime lab.