today i feel like like TALKING....and like doing stufff on my comp and listen to these songs 1milion times! and like finding something cool on the internet. and hopfully downloading the next eposode of NARUTO!!!!
FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN ADWARE THERES LIKE FUCKING 50 POPUPS MESSING AROUNT WITH MY COMP. I FEEL LIKE I WANT TO DELET EVERTTHING ON MY COMP TO GET RID OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i forgot about the huricane that came over our house... but strangly alll we lost was some fence parts but not even a shingle was out of place. some ppl had like slmost the hole rufe de-shingled.
and power cam on early in the morning unlike many otheres ho had no