Title: Farewell
motoko1969Genre: Angst, Character death
Rating: PG
Word count: 170
A/N: I wrote this yesterday after a phone call to Scottish Power (my building's energy provider) when I thought I was back in middle school when I was struggling to understand every second word in my first year of learning English... can I point out the company is based in
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Comments 4
Oh my, that is lovely! The whole thing is lovely... *sob*
P.S. My mum can't understand a Glaswegian accent to save her life, so don't worry about it. :)
PS: Thanks for saying this *winks*... although I am quite proud of myself for still being able to get my point across but it did feel like I was 11 again and learning English all over again...
So so sad. But beautifully done *sniffle*
*hugs you to make it all better*
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