New post! Quick thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts with me in
this post (if you haven't, it isn't too late - I'm constantly checking this post!), there are some things I'll be implementing soon-ish that were glossed over there that got positive feedback. Exciting! Anyhow, let's go!
Before we begin, please ensure you have read and are
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Are you a...: (pick more than one if you're guilty of more than one ( ... )
a) Writer
b) Lurker/Reader
c) Serial Prompter
(all of the above 8D)
If you're a writer, what sort of prompts do you mostly respond to?
b) "I want [specific situation], and I don't care who."
If you're a writer, what encourages you to write more?
a) Nothing in particular - I just write when inspiration strikes.
If you're a lurker / reader, what sort of fills do you read?
c) Everything. Ever.*
*-except when i fall off the planet. because that happens sometimes.
If you're a lurker, reader or serial prompter, are you interested in writing?
n/a; i write regularly for this place
If yes to the above, what would encourage you to write, or why don't you write?I think a lot of first time writers are nervous as to how they'll be received, so sometimes it's a bit scary, even while being anoned. I'm curious to see if this is the general consensus. Sometimes, I see a lot of people saying that English isn't their first language, so they're not comfortable writing in it. For ( ... )
I'd happily go over any non-first language bods drafts for them if they'd like, so they'd know there wasn't any obvious FUBABs? I mean trust me, it's still going to be better than what I'd write in my own language! [chortle]
My instinctive reaction is that frankly us native-English speakers should stop being wankers and learn to translate, but yeah, that's just not realistic. I can do some French, but my beloved who knows 4 languages has pointed out how infrequently "as his cock hit the sweet spot on his prostrate" comes up in vocab tests. (Since one of those 4 is sign language they've now dissolved in a fit of giggles trying to work out some "sentences"...) [rolls eyes benevolently]
kinkmodhat can we have a beta's page for volunteers and those who are looking for one, if that's ok?
As soon as I'm back at my laptop, so expect a post tomorrow or so! :)
Totally a long-winded way, but it works! Mostly. I did end up throwing random words at my Anglo-Italian friends a lot of the time.
Just my 2c.
a) Writer
b) Lurker/Reader
c) Serial Prompter
All of the above!
If you're a writer, what sort of prompts do you mostly respond to?
a) "I want [pairing], and I want [specific situation]"
b) "I want [specific situation], and I don't care who."
If you're a writer, what encourages you to write more?
a) Nothing in particular - I just write when inspiration strikes.
If you're a lurker / reader, what sort of fills do you read?
d) Other (please elaborate?) - I read most things, but especially if they're one of my fave pairings, or particularly well-written, or a kink I particularly like!
To everyone: would a rec post be beneficial to you, and/or a bi-weekly or monthly roundup of filled prompts?
b) ROUND-UP! I track all the posts anyway, so I get all the new comments, but a round-up might be good too!
a) Writer
b) Lurker/Reader
c) Serial Prompter
Mainly lurker nowadays. Used to write, but my creative energies are currently elsewhere
If you're a writer, what sort of prompts do you mostly respond to?
a) "I want [pairing], and I want [specific situation]"
b) "I want [specific situation], and I don't care who."
c) "I want [pairing], and I don't care how"
d) Other (please elaborate?)
If you're a writer, what encourages you to write more?
a) Nothing in particular - I just write when inspiration strikes.
b) Comments, constructive criticism or fapping, I don't care - I like to know my work is being read and enjoyed!
c) Other (please elaborate?)
If you're a lurker / reader, what sort of fills do you read?
a) My pairing.
b) My favourite driver.
c) Everything. Ever.
d) Other (please elaborate?)
If you're a lurker, reader or serial prompter, are you interested in writing?
a) Yes
b) No
If yes to the above, what would encourage you to write, or why don't you ( ... )
a) Writer
b) Lurker/Reader
c) Serial Prompter
*all the above!*
If you're a writer, what sort of prompts do you mostly respond to?
a) "I want [pairing], and I want [specific situation]"
If you're a writer, what encourages you to write more?
a) Nothing in particular - I just write when inspiration strikes.
If you're a lurker / reader, what sort of fills do you read?
c) Everything. Ever.
To everyone: would a rec post be beneficial to you, and/or a bi-weekly or monthly roundup of filled prompts?
c) Both.
a) Writer
b) Lurker/Reader
c) Serial Prompter
A and B
If you're a writer, what sort of prompts do you mostly respond to?
a) "I want [pairing], and I want [specific situation]"
b) "I want [specific situation], and I don't care who."
c) "I want [pairing], and I don't care how"
d) Other (please elaborate?)
D - If a prompt grabs me and the bunnies won't let go I will write
If you're a writer, what encourages you to write more?
a) Nothing in particular - I just write when inspiration strikes.
b) Comments, constructive criticism or fapping, I don't care - I like to know my work is being read and enjoyed!
c) Other (please elaborate?)
If you're a lurker / reader, what sort of fills do you read?
a) My pairing.
b) My favourite driver.
c) Everything. Ever.
d) Other (please elaborate?)
D - I will read what grabs me. There are pairings that drive me mad that I won't read
If you're a lurker, reader or serial prompter, are you interested in writing?
a) Yes
b) No
If yes ( ... )
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