I just came back from the midnight premiere of the Potter film where I'm at:
I haven't been in a theater that crowded since I saw the last Potter movie. And let me tell you, having a crowd full of big fans gasping and giggling and aahhing at everything they were seeing for the first time which they had been imagining all along made watching it feel special. I could tell those people loved that world and its characters. I'm not really an invested fan, more of a casual reader. I hardly remember everything that happened in the books, but I do remember liking the story, and totally understand why it's so popular. It's brilliant.
Anyways, the movie: I enjoyed the maturity of the story, and especially loved the cold war overtones to it (I'm a sucker for govt/political type elements). The visuals were mindblowing (two words: WIZARD BATTLE! It was awesome, folks), and the plot was more absorbing than prior installments because of Harry dealing with growing up.
A lot of the characters were fantastically acted: Alan Rickman rocked (how could he not?), the woman who played Umbridge pwned it, and my girl Helena Bohnam Carter was a pure joy to watch as usual. Also, Cedric Digory, Sirius Black, and Lucius Malfoy were totally hot. And I've never found Gary Oldman hot before, so it's something. I regret them having to cover up Ralph Fiennes' handsome little face. Can't have everything.
My sister had a bunch of nitpick scruples about the movie from her fan's perspective even though she liked it, but I think for people like me, this one was the best Potter movie so far because of it was less whimsical and more serious than the others both visually and plotwise. The musical score was freakin' magical, too. I'd hit it again. :D
Rating: 7.5/10