I'll hold your glasses, Ed!
- re: flashback recaps - oh yeah, I kinda/almost forget Dean is supposed to go to hell. Good job, season 3, for not wallowing!
- "rugged...golden beard": yeah, now you know how all the John Winchester fans feel.
- "it's okay - not cops, just hicks": and thank God we have our sweet music back. Kripke, don't ever do that to me again!
- I've never heard of this Hocus Pocus song before - yay for obscure tracks. MOAR.
- *rat thrown* Hahahah, yeah that is so very funny Spruce. Especially when the scaree is yelling that it's not.
- Dean: "Come on, let's take this reunion aross the street, we'll have ice cream our treat, what'ya say..." You say YES,people. Say yes to Dean and ice cream at the same time, idgits.
- Every time someone says 'Corbett', I keep thinking they're saying Corbin, as in Corbin Dallas from the Fifth Element
- *Sam smashes chair, starts yelling* Such sasquatch-manly display of force, you guys, that's hot.
- [Dean looks directly at camera. Dusty puts on sunglasses.]
- You think Dean has yelled 'SAAM!!' in enough tones so far that one could edit together a little song with it? Some fangirl needs to get on that.
- "...inside your duffel bag?" lol, Ed asking himself what would Mary Poppins do.
- Gratuitous XF commentary: Ed putting together the pieces and stepping out of the circle to talk to Corbett strikes me as the kind of smart thinking followed by stupid action Mulder would do.
- *back in the editing room, drinking beers* Oh Maggie, that is an ugly shirt. What's going on, wardrobe? Geeky girls can wear cool Ava-esque jackets, too.
- lol, the parting prank, I love revisiting that!
The the next week teaser after the end of this episode was so wrong for promising us a hunk o hunk of burning John. Teasers suck!!!
This ep proves how much Kripke should pack his things and try finding a new home on a different network. A network where Dean can say 'fuck me' whenever he wants, where the suits won't tell them to go cutesy, where Lennertz gets fired and replaced by whoever did Dexter's score. I wish Manson or Reznor could do a score. I wish I had a million bucks.
Every show should do a POV change once or twice, because I get to see sides of characters that I ordinarily wouldn't, like Scully ducking behind the ambulance door in X-Cops. Priceless! In this ep, the winchester driveby patrolling w/ Grand Funk playing was the best POV shot for me.
I know the shaky, handheld cam thing has been done a bunch of times, but it's still creepy watching something that looks like a home movie I could have taken. If I may confess something, I have gotten scared maybe twice watching the X-Files. Yet I can't watch those silly ghosthunter shows late at night, for some reason those get to me, which is why seeing the ghost popping up on camera here creeped me out too. WTG Krip!
To sum it up, there was nothing particularly fantastic to say about the plot, yet I really, really enjoyed this episode purely out of the novelty of having a different POV. And bringing back the hellhound guys was a great way to do that, go Ben, go Ben, go Ben!