Watashi! Boku, ORE! Moi, me, wo, ako!

Aug 12, 2006 22:09

Self-centred much? ^_~

A Hundred Questions Answered, taken from hinoai

1. Full Name: Maria Adrianna X. XXXXX XXXXXXX
2. Nicknames: Kaa-san, *mumblepaomumble*, Ma-chan, Mummy
3. Age: 17 (T___T)
4. Place of Birth: Manila? I'm not too sure. Let's put it at Philippines♥
5. Zodiac Sign: Leo/ Virgo depending on the moon's position~
6. Male or Female: Hmm... If I said male, would you believe me? :D
7. Grade: Secondary/ High School year 4. I'm slaving for my O levels this year... *sigh*
8. School: Dunman
9. Occupation: Student?
10. Residence: Tampines, Singapore
11. Screen Name: Hrmrmrm... YIM = gackt_maria2000, MSN = simplicite_complexe@hotmail.com

*** Your Appearance ***

12. Hair Color: BLACK!! It's black now, anyway♥
13. Hair Length: Far too long for my liking. =T It reaches past my nape! :O
14. Eye color: Brown
15. Best Feature: Um. Eyes? It looks nice if you cover everything else. xDD
16. Height/Weight?: My weight shall forever REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL. I am... 5"4? 167cm?
17. Braces?: Used to.
18. Glasses?: Perfect eyesight♥
19. Piercing: My ears! One each, because more would be... strange, but i want a belly-button ring!
20. Tattoos: None
21. Righty or Lefty: Both! But I prefer my right hand.

*** Your 'Firsts' ***

22. First best friend: I remember! Her last name was Guico, Lee, but I can't remember her first name. She had curly hair and a mole under her right eye. She was pretty and liked to make fun of others. She lived in a white house with rose bushes by the gate.
23. First Award: For art. I got a silver. =_=
24. First Sport You Joined: Tennis♥ Or was it track and field...?
25. First pet: MINIKEE!! My littel doggie. T_T *feels sad now*
26. First Real Vacation: To Singapore. WEEEIIIIIRD. I usd to live in the Philippines, so it was vacation xD
27. First Concert: I've never been to one?
28. First Love: XDDDDDDDD *mumblesincoherently*

*** Favorites ***

29. Movie: I don't think I have any... I tend to forget movies after a while. Except for Lord of the Rings, though I fell asleep. xD OH! And King and the Clown!! ^o^ I loved the musical: The Producers, though.
30. TV Show: One Litre of Tears!!! o_o, CSI, House, Supernatural, lotsa animes, Teen titans, adn whatever british comedy they have on. xD
31. Colors: Gray, green, pink/red, white
32. Rapper: I don't particularly like rap, rap, though I don't mind Orange Range?
34. Song Right Now: As of now... Chieko Kawabe's Sakura Kiss.
35. Friend: *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*
36. Candy: AS LONG AS IT'S SWEET. *o*
37. Sport to Play: Tennis, Soccer, does Taekwondo sparring count? ^^;
38. Restaurant: I love eating at food-courts! Though I love Pastamania and Billy Bombers and Sakae♥
39. Favorite brand to wear: Whatever I feel like wearing, though I don't like to wear generic brands (I like U2 and Ann Taylor, though) so I like to buy from roadshide booths/ pushcarts/ markets... It means less chance of people wearing the same thing as me!
40. Store: The 9th floor @ Cineleisure! Gamer's heaven, along with all the J-stuff... Though I love Kinokuniya and ArtFriend... and The Paper Shop... AND CANDY WORLD, I LOVE YOU.
42. Animal: Cats. Fish. Dogs. ♥♥♥
43. Book: The teachers have called my parents to school for reading in class. >___>;;; I love by author, since one work usually leads to another. I like... Neil Gaiman, the Kushiel Trilogy (I haven't foudn other works by her), Tamora Pierce, Mercedes Lackey, JKRowling, JRRTolkien, Agatha Christie, Brothers' Grimm xD, Andersen, Shakespeaare, Satoru Kannagi, Banana Y, etc etc etc... Actually... anything with words. xD
44. Magazine: I like... TONNES OF THEM. As I said, anything with words, even travel brochures and menus.
45. Shoes: Whatever fits me, for I have size 11 feet. D= Beggers can't be choosers.

*** Currently ***

46. Feeling: Rushed. Stressed? Sleepy.
47. Secret: ...*mumblemumblemumble*
48. Have a crush: I don't think so...?
49. Eating: I just had cookies!
50. Drinking: Soyabean milk~
51. Typing: ... =P
52. Online?: Always and forever.
53. Listening To: KangTa and Vanness Wu: Track 05 of their SCANDAL CD. Whatever it is? *can't read the title*
54. Thinking About: Sleep. Bio revision.
55. Wanting To: Finish studying, pause time, fast forward, rewind.
56. Watching: My hair dry. I hate long hair.
57. Wearing: Underwear and an oversized shirt♥ Beddybeddytime!

*** Future ***

58. Want Kids?: Yes.
59. Want to be Married?: Yes.
61. Where do you want to live: All over the world!! ^_______^
62. Car: A nice sleek car... which belongs entirely TO ME.

*** Which is Better With The Opposite/Same Sex ***

63. Hair color: I like it black. Or brown, or dark colours. ^^
64. Hair length: Long-ish for guys, doesn't matter for girls? I like running my fingers through nice hair. ^///^
65. Eye color: ...Anything! My fantasies are always black, though. xD
66. Measurements: I like moderate-defined guys. >_>;
67. Cute or Sexy: ...^_^
68. Lips or Eyes: Eyes, of course. They reveal everyyythiiiiing. xDDDD
69. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs please! I can't lose my first kiss yet!! O.O
70. Short or Tall: Talltalltalltallllll
71. Easygoing or serious: Moderate?
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: A spontaneous romantic, indeed!
73. Fatty or Skinny: Moderation is the key~
74. Sensitive or Loud: Never loud. ;_;I would have to kill you.
75. Hook-up or Relationship: My goa will always be a relationship!
76. Sweet or Caring: Caring, because too much sweet will kill me.
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: MODERATION!♥♥♥♥

*** Have you ever ***

78. Kissed a Stranger: I've never kissed.
79. Had Alcohol: *COUGHCOUGHCOUGH* I'm momentarily underage. *grin*
80. Smoked: Nevernevernever.
81. Ran Away From Home: Planning on it.
82. Broken a bone: With my clumsiness.... oddly enough, no.
83. Got an X-ray: NUMEROUS. xD
84. Been with someone: Nope.
85. Broken Someone's Heart: Would it be bad if I were grinning as I said yes?
86. Broke Up With Someone: Wouldn't exactly call it that...
87. Cried When Someone Died: What do you think? It depends on who did, though. =T
88. Cried At School: THEY KILLED THAT LIZARD!!!!!!

*** Do You Believe In ***

89. God: Yes.
90. Miracles: No.
91. Love At First sight: No wayy.
92. Ghosts: I'd rather not.
93. Aliens: No.
94. Soul Mates: Kindered spirits?
95. Heaven: Salvation, yes. Heaven? Hm.
96. Hell: Damnation... we creat our own hells, it's not fire and brimstone.
97. Angels: Yes.
98. Kissing on The First Date: No. Don't waste that first kiss? XD
99. Horoscopes: YUP! Especially if they bode well♥

*** Answer Truthfully ***

100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't have?: I don't believe that there's anyone you can't have a relationship with if you want to. People who say "I can't date so-and-so, so I won't try" make me mad. Have more faith in yourself!! You're worthy of anyone, and trust me.... if you have high self-confidence, then you can make almost anyone fall in love with you. It is just up to you to treat them well and maintain a good relationship. You hear that, GIRLS?! If you want to date someone, go and make it happen, don't wait around listlessly forever hoping they'll recognize your greatness! Go go IKEEEE yo!!! I COMPLETELY AGREE. *WORKS HARD* Even if I wanted someone like... like... Hugh Jackman (or something. Was it Grant?) there would always be a possibility, as long as you did everything in your power to get there. ^_^
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