Bleach fic: An Experiment [OneShot]

Apr 28, 2005 20:31

Title: An Experiment
Fandom: Bleach
Size: 426 words
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Do not own the characters nor the plot of the canon. Woes.

By making a Shinigami into a Hollow...or a Hollow into a Shinigami...

A race to the ability to gain more power. How long had the experiments been going? Creating Hollows possessing Shinigami...creating a gigai to make a Shinigami human...

Being placed in a hole where the choices were become a Shinigami and live--become a Hollow and die.

Falling into an old experiment that never involved humans in the first place.

Like you were ever a normal human. I told you before...we knew each other once before. You fed my hunger then--even if it was brief. You're getting the picture now. You've been a part of this experiment far longer than you think.

Mm...your uncertainty is a delicious sweet. It's been too long since I've tasted it. If you had let me fight--your refusal to give me freedom is grating. Be like you were before and give already. You may not remember that, but you did--why do you object? You would never do such a thing?'re right! Ha! You fought very hard against me and we died together upon her sword.

Fate is so I am the weaker of the two? But you feed me well...that is why I can talk of other things than eating souls...though those friends of yours look delicious...

Threaten me all you'd like. You're just threatening yourself. You really should have let me fight. You wouldn't jsut be laying here like this. Try getting up. Maybe if I could be in control--

How did it come to this?! You just keep repeating the things that you did last time. You're not very bright, you know. Too single-minded. Ha! But like I said, I have nothing against you personally. You feed me well enough...though I'm tired of the taste of your soul's energy. Let me out...let me feed off of that Shinigami who attacked you.

No, I won't be silent. You had the choice to keep me silent. Don't blame me for the fact that we're melded virtually together--actually, you could blame me! Ha! But it was also your fault. If you can't remember, don't ask. You're obviously too shocked from the pain and the information that Shinigami told you.

Maybe we'll get lucky with this new arriver. Better get to thinking of a way out of this or we're both dead again. Don't worry, Ichigo...I doubt you'll allow yourself to die, and I refuse to go back to starving without a direct connection again. When you go, it should be the same way as before. Fighting me...and dying upon the sword of one of the people you care for...


fics, bleach, ~oneshot

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