Username: sandy79 Icons: (fandom, characters, screencap links?, style, etc) White Collar Wallpaper:(size, fandom, characters, screencaps links?) Matt Bomer (do you need any links for that?)
Username: theladymorgan Textures: 200x200 light textures, please! Icon Battle: Would you like to do an Arrow battle, maybe? I'd be open to another fandom we share besides OUAT if you'd rather do something else, though.
LIGHT TEXTURES ARE BAE ♥♥♥ And, sure, we can do an Arrow battle. I don't watch the show but I icon pretty much everything. What other fandoms are you into? Maybe we can do a mix?
Yay! :D I'm so in love with light textures right now. It's quickly becoming an addiction and I regret nothing.
I'm mainly into Merlin, the MCU, Once Upon A Time, Reign, and Outlander right now. There's also Hunger Games and Divergent, though I've never done more than look through screencaps for those.
Username: betgirl Icons: Justified, Chuck. I really like negative space with either plain or textured background. Wallpaper: Justified (Raylan Givens, Boyd Crowder), Chuck (Chuck, Sarah), 1440x900
Comments 26
Icons: (fandom, characters, screencap links?, style, etc) White Collar
Wallpaper:(size, fandom, characters, screencaps links?) Matt Bomer (do you need any links for that?)
Textures: 200x200 light textures, please!
Icon Battle: Would you like to do an Arrow battle, maybe? I'd be open to another fandom we share besides OUAT if you'd rather do something else, though.
And, sure, we can do an Arrow battle. I don't watch the show but I icon pretty much everything. What other fandoms are you into? Maybe we can do a mix?
I'm mainly into Merlin, the MCU, Once Upon A Time, Reign, and Outlander right now. There's also Hunger Games and Divergent, though I've never done more than look through screencaps for those.
Icons: Videogames ( I hope you do those): Under Night In Birth-Gordeau
A google search should help you.
Um, and thanks for the requests.
Icons: Justified, Chuck. I really like negative space with either plain or textured background.
Wallpaper: Justified (Raylan Givens, Boyd Crowder), Chuck (Chuck, Sarah), 1440x900
(any one of these would be absolutely lovely, i just wanted to give you options!)
chuck: ellie, awesome, sarah, chuck, casey, anyone lol
mcu: clint, natasha, steve, thor, peggy, pepper, sif, hill, bucky
ouat: ruby, belle, regina, emma
disney: tangled, the little memermaid, any tbh
twd: carol, daryl, michonne, andrea, maggie, glenn, rick
i love all of your icons but your pastel/minimalistic ones are always my favorite!
these are some of my favorites of yours:
( ... )
Maybe we can each pick a cap from the three shows and 1 technical theme? 8 icons total?
(And I am so, so sorry for the incredibly late reply to this!)
Here are my caps:
Parks and Rec:
My technical theme: negative space
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