Title: Rikkaidai's Street rat Artist: motto_motto Challenge #: 8a Rating: G Characters: Kirihara and a little Sanada Notes: Whenever I listen to the song from Aladdin "One Jump", I imagine Kirihara singing it.
These are three drawings I made recently of Atobe, ShishidoxCHoutaroh and then Hiyoshi with the hyoutei team. I did Atobe's jacket wrong but oh well! they are all G rated. Well the Shishido one isnt anything scary.... so ya. hope you like 'em.
3 days...I cannot believe that she's been gone for that long. And I'm actually alive?!!! man.... I still get to chat with her though. Grad practice is BORING. I fell asleep last friday. And we have to stay the whole day! I'll memorize everyone's name by graduation. Nothing much to say really.... boredom....... AUGH. She's made me that depressed
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It's finally over!! Our exams are over!! All that's left is grad practice!! Eek! I'm graduating!! Time sure flies. I'm not really excited though. I feel depressed. Dessa left today at 7 am for North Carolina. She'll be living there for 5 years. I'll be in college by then!! I cried like...a million times. It's a surprise that I haven't dehydrated
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Seriously. I can't believe final exams are next week! And I'm graduating in around a month or less. Man I'm getting old.... Tomorrow is the last friday that dessa is gonna have here.... *sniff* I feel bad but there's nothing I can do. But exams... are comprehensive!! Weel, the teachers took out a few topics but it's still LONG. Wish me luck people
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Happy Valentines day!!! I don't really have much to say. Just wanted to spread the LOVE. Thanks for all the chocolats guys!!(I mean my friends) And thank you especially Dessa. Since well....yours was the sweetest EVER. Ya....well...