Exams are f*cking over ! Results on July 25th \o/ I'm absolutely not confident but anyway
Until that I can finally dowhateveriwaaaaant
Mmh I'll make my To do lists here
Things I have to do before leaving for Japan :
- Find a new bag
- Clean and tidy my room (like, seriously. entirely.)
- Get my JR pass (and change some euros into yens at the same time)
- Maybe buy some more clothes (while sales are still going on =x)
- Check all the download links on my LJ and reupload the dead links (should be done quickly)
- Some sports (I really hope I could find motivation... D:)
- Burn dramas on dvds
- Go to the hairdresser !
Things not important I'm likely to end up doing :
- Create a tumblr account
- Learn how tumblr works
- Start learning Korean
- Finish some useless translations
- Make icons I'll never use
- Do nothing on computer
What I don't have many things to do. I'll be bored. Especially during the 3 weeks when all my friends will have left and I'll be all alone at home D: (I guess I'll have plenty of time to tidy and learn Korean hahaha)
Latest update about my concerts in Japan : Got my ticket for Takki's Hachioji concert ♥ And I tried with the Japanese Jticket for Osaka, and actually hit, but I'm still unsure if the bank transfer has been made properly... 8D; (since I had to ask my Japanese teacher's sister...) So unsure about this one. I wish I could go to NEWS's Tokyo concert but I have a Summary show the same day =/ So since selling a JTicket International ticket is difficult... >.> I may be unable to go. And finally, we'll try for the Hanabi Taikai. Would be great if we managed to get it. o/
I'll have to make a Fukka uchiwa \(^o^)/ I'm really wondering how I'll make it 8D Like, one or two uchiwas, in kanji or not, which colors, all that... But I guess the only uchiwa I'm gonna make is for Fukka :P For the rest I'll be using the ones I made last year xD My Snow Man uchiwa will finally be useful haha.
Mmh that's terrible I always have so many things to say but I always feel so lazy to post and then when I finally post I don't know what to say anymore 8D;
It's been 1 year since HOT SNOW started screening in Japan \o/
So many things have happened in 1 year it's terrible \o/
But well Bakarea moviiiiiie
Is a very good news
Of course their roles won't be very big
Especially for Wanabi/Fukka/Miyadate/Abe... I hope they'll still get some screentime '>.>
Did Wanabi not impress them during his audition 8D I guess the charai role suits him more than the bad guy role o/
Just looking at the teaser makes me think that Fukka's and Abe's actings won't be very impressive though xD; Even with this hairstyle, even if he tries, he doesn't look threatening at all 8D; And Fukka just looks really discontent. But not threatening either /o/
Anyway. Looking forward to it ♥
Ah, there's this jr-fanclub-members-only video with Snow Man (there's also one with noon boyz) celebrating T&T's 10th anniversary and promoting and all. Here are some caps a friend sent to me :
Fukka looks actually good with blond hair x3
Does Abe really want to keep his hair like that... 8D; I think he should better not...
Ah, Iwamoto introduced himself as Snow Man's leader... xD Is it official now or he just said it because the others weren't really serious with their introductions either o/
Anyway, I hate privileges for fanclub members.
Especially when not everyone can enter fanclub D:
Like, how many of us would love to pay for the fanclub but can't even /o/
In other news...
I have an announcement to make.
This is terrible.
I fell to the dark side...
I fell in love with a Korean idol >o<
Kiseop from U-kiss
He looks too good for my soul D:
He got me
I couldn't do anything
Ok ok, now you can throw me stones (;ノ ̄д ̄)ノ
Anyway, since I saw U-kiss perf from the Music Bank in Paris (in like... March?) I thought "oh this one looks so good" but I didn't really pay more attention. But one of my friends being a big U-kiss fan, she kept spamming twitter with them |D Then I watched the DoraDora MV and like, omg. Just,
Kiseop. Buuut I suddenly started being really interested 1 month ago 8D; Maybe you see, Snow Man had finished Kurie, nothing new until July, my mind was free. So even though I had exams, Kiseop just took this occasion to pervert me >o< Hum, so since I had a lot of free time during my exams =D I watched too many U-kiss videos. So yeah.
Btw for those who might be wondering, here is what Kiseop looks like lately (red hair FTW) :
*shamelessly stealing from tumblr oh yeah*
It's actually the first time in 3 years that I got one more bias 8D Or like, a bias that could play in the same category as Fukka. I got a son, some wifes, but no one like that xD
They say that love lasts only 3 years
Be careful Fukka, you could be surpassed fufufu~~ (shh I'm trying to make him feel some competition! it's been too easy for him those last years D:)
Well, I know that I'll still keep loving him as much as usual at least until I come back from Japan though 8D
I'm having fun~ \(*゚▽゚*)/
But well I'm not ready for the Kpop fandom yet 8D; Maybe later, maybe never.
Do I have anything else to say~ ( ´ ▽ ` )
Aaah I wanted to ask everyone, do you think the version of HOT SNOW posted on the MSM community is totally ok or should I rip my dvd? =x
Maybe I'll update my to do lists as I find something else to do.
Mmmh I think that's all I have to say...( ´▽`)ノ
Even though I have plenty of time now, I don't know when will be the next time I post... xD
See you later everyone I love you~ ( ノ´ω`)ノ♡ (I haven't been in such a good mood for a while)