I am sitting here trying to convey anything that even slightly resembles my thoughts, my emotions, my desires, my goals, even if biased and tainted with Contac medicine along with with some Pinot that as a combination work wonders for unbelievable menstrual pains. And I'm writing this without stopping to think of the fitting noun, adj., or verb.
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By the bye, I know that you're tired of our debate about scientific objectivity/subjectivity. I'm a stubborn lady and I don't let things die easily. Soo...just to say something really quickly. I was thinking about THE GUINNESS, the TRUTH that we're gaining at. But how can I describe YOUR experience of tasting the frothy goodness as opposed to mine. Sure I can tell you about what I'm tasting and you can tell me about what your taste buds are going through but the state of GUINNESS is indescribable, the description is merely a symbol, it's subjective. Also what we take to be true is what we believe, it's based on our perceptions, experiences, etc. So ultimately there IS NO GUINNESS in PHYSICS. That doesn't mean that it's necessarily true for other sciences. Okay, I've said what I needed to let lose.
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