Buns in the Oven: T - U

Jun 28, 2010 01:38

Welcome my dear friends to another WYD update. Grab a cup/glass of your favorite drink and settle yourself, this update is of the long kind.

Buns in the oven: T - U

Rules for this challenge can be found ---> Here.

For a change I think I'll start the update away from the WYD house, firstly to show you the events camera's view of Donella's long awaited arrival at Uni.

Cute no? Except the clothes are not really her style.

There, that's better.

"Well that was fun, now what?"
Donella might look beautiful but her personality is full zombie, only without the want to eat people's brains.

The dorm also saw the arrival of Murdoch and his intended, Chandler Platz.

"Wow Murdoch, interesting choice of clothes."
"Um Chandler, I think you ought to look in a mirror before you make fun of my clothes.

Soon though, they decided to ditch the clothes altogether. Well, Murdoch is the son of a streaker after all.

Before the move to Bun Greek house where the other Bun YAs are residing, the dorm also saw the arrival of Donella's old flame, Juan Harris (a BV townie teen, now ex-townie teen).
I hadn't planned to include him but Donella rolled a wish for him to come and join her at Uni, and as I feel I owe her a few favors I let her have her wish.

As you can see he is already proving to be an amusing addition.

Can someone tell me; what's with the jodhpurs and Uni? All my male YA sims seem to grow up in those.

The second thing I wanted to show you all before getting to the main WYD house, is the wedding of the very first WYD baby - Aileen, seen here in all her pregnancy glory with wants only to call and chat to her siblings. Hello! You're a family sim Aileen, where's the want to get married and have a baby? *eyeroll*

The wedding was attended by, not only Omarina and Komei, but also dear old Ray who is Aileen's dad, as well as a few of Aileen's brothers.

I must remember to get Omarina's formal wear changed, it's just such bad form for the mother of the bride to show up in a wedding dress.

My male alter ego, Sailor, Omarina's CAS dad, was there too but he missed the ceremony as he was busy having a drink in the kitchen. That's another thing I must remember to do; turn the fridge whenever I play a wedding. It's just so annoying when guests ignore the festivities, preferring to raid the fridge for cookies and juice. *eyeroll*

But - there was another sim present, a very special sim, right there between Aileen and Connor: CSquared's simself!
Aileen met him in the welcome wagon and they are now best friends.

And I see you there Omarina, checking out the newly-arrived male. 8)

Let me tell you, Chris' simself is something else! Firstly he was not at all interested in the cake, he'd much rather study the Grilled Cheese picture.

Then he realized that he and Boyd were wearing the same suit, and didn't look too happy with it.

And then proceeded to flirt twice with Omarina before I could get Aileen and Connor to interact with him. It really was very lucky that Komei was sitting on the bog reading the paper at the time, or there would have been a bad *BOING*.

(Note to Chris: As you see I set your simself's gender preference to female as it might come in handy at some point *taps nose* hope you don't mind)

Anyhow, the party was a Roof raiser and no, Aileen hasn't given birth yet. That'll have to wait till another time.

- Now it's time to get to the proper challenge household.

Here we find Komei in much the same position as we left him in at the end of the last update; tending to household chores. Good man Komei.

Apart from Komei and Omarina, the WYD challenge house presently consists of:

What? You thought you saw Murdoch arrive at Uni earlier in the update? That was an illusion folks - an illuuuusion.

Look, here he is now heading off to Uni!

Alright alright, I admit I've messed up my timeline a bit, I never claimed to be organised and here is proof for all to see.

After our last dating escapade ( see the S - A update) we now have ourselves a regular bin-kicker, though Rhona is trying her utmost to keep chasing him away. Dirk Dreamer stuck his tail between his legs and ran away just after I snapped this picture.
Wise guy knows not to mess with Rhona.

And speaking of mess, I still had the events camera on when Omarina went into labour with baby T.

Lovely pair of plumbbobs, don't you think?

But I did also get a screenshot of little baby Torradan. Yes, another boy. Green eyes, blond hair and skin#2 (I think, I can never quite tell), just like his mum and dad. If you remember, Torradan's dad is Scott Cox the Cow Mascot whom I know that is a green-eyed blond-haired face#1 guy because I have peeked behind his mask.

Now that the oven is yet again empty it is time for poor Niamh to do her bit for the challenge.
She is still not a very happy sim, she keeps having these little tantrums every morning.

It could possibly have something to do with the strange and recurring appearance of things she fears. *shifty*

And of course it doesn't help that she is suddenly getting much closer to the end of her teens.

So close in fact that it was time for her to grow up to an adult.
Please excuse the random red afro lad, he came home from school with Phiala but would obviously much rather be friends with Niamh. Stop heartfarting her, she's an adult now and I don't have adult-teen ACR enabled.

I do feel sorry for Niamh but I promise you that her life will get better from now on, just as soon as she has summoned babydaddy "U" for me.

That's right; it's the Therapist!
There have been too many face#1s lately, we need to up the interesting genes in this challenge. And I know from reading other challenges that the Therapist does not have hidden genes *glare at Mrs Crumplebottom* his offspring usually look very much like him.

Quick click on the simBlender and the deed is done. Bun U is officially in the oven.

One of Niamh's first wants was to move out and I fulfilled that for her straightaway. I don't know yet where she is going but judging by her growing-up clothes I'd say she's planning on somewhere cold.

To try and cheer everyone up I decided to direct Quarrie to "Grow Up".

Yes look! They are all cheerful now.
But wait, ... they look like they are giggling at something? Oh I see; Osgar just broke wind.

"Hehe bro, how do you like your birthday air pie?"
"That was SO not cool Osgar!"

Quarrie rolled Romance/Pleasure and he now feels that having 50 first dates would make him feel very fulfilled.

And thus life goes on in the Bun house with a pregnant Omarina...

... with Komei going to work in super cool workwear...

... with teens falling in love with their childhood sweethearts...

... with toddlers maxing Mechanical skill...

... and then growing up...

... into *blink blink* interesting-looking children.
But, that's the way I like it!

Our little adoptee didn't want to stay a toddler after his pseudo twin became a child and quickly took a massive stretch too.

I have so much love for this boy, I can't explain it, there is just something about him. <3

The next evening I let Quarrie grow up his little brother Torradan.

Cute as expected but I feel that silver is just not right for him, off to the mirror.

Torradan is a big surprise in the personality department, I had expected something middle-of-the-road but no, this wee fellow is a Libra - 0/9/0/10/10! O_o

Torradan's toddler skills.
Omarina even taught him to sing nursery rhymes, not many of the Bun kids learn that.

The following evening saw Komei top the Adventure career. That's his 9th topping. I'm raking in those points now.

I just had to see him in the Space Pirate outfit before getting him to look for a new job.
He is now in the criminal career.

The next day was Saturday and the Bun kids started out the day with gaining 500 aspiration points each for talking hobby.

And then they cashed in another 500 for fulfilling the wish to skip.
Insta plat, and they haven't even had breakfast yet!

The weekend, of course, is a time to invite family and friends over. Here we have Angus playing red hands with his super nice niece Sophia.

Outside we find Rhona playing catch with her equally mean nephew, Samuel.

These kids are the offspring of their older brother Cormag, and if you are curious you can read about them here in my Christmassy update.

Osgar had woken that morning with a want to ask someone on a date so naturally he called his girlfriend, Janey Despret.

Sailor took the opportunity to teach Quarrie the rules of chess in spite of the fact that Quarrie have more Logic points than he. The truth is that Sailor doesn't have any skills at all... only a hard neck.

While the kids and guests amused themselves, Komei and Omarina made use of their free-will time.
Good job there was already a Bun in the oven, we don't want to lose any points by letting Komei father more kids.

And what is our sweet little Torradan doing while everyone else are busy? Why he is pretending that he is rescuing a kitten out of a tree of course. How frigging sweet is that?

Please Mr Creepy Hobby guy, stop freaking my sweet little Quarrie out.

And speaking of creepy ... well I guess this headmaster isn't creepy, but I must admit I'd completely forgotten that I'd made Komei call to invite him over.

Nevertheless, the kids were accepted no problem. And you see Komei getting 8000 aspiration points? That's because he wanted our little adoptee, Angus, to go to private school. Sweet eh?

Omarina is normally very good at being pregnant, but this particular pregnancy is very hard on her, I have never seen her needs drain so quickly.

Though the next morning was Sunday and I had decided that the kids should all skill, I nevertheless let Quarrie greet this Infallibly Good teen witch when she made a walk by.
Quarrie is a Romance sim after all, and I have locked his wish for a first kiss.

Seamus had woken with a wish to study Couples Counseling. Don't ask me why. As far as I know there has been no tension in the air since the disastrous date Donella had with Dirk Dreamer.
Angus the adoptee also rolled the want to study Couples Counseling, but I think that's because he looks up to Seamus and always wants to do the same as he.

Wow this guy is here so much I'm starting to think he lives here.
Perhaps he is still hoping he might become one of the babydaddies?

At least Rhona is seemingly not bothered by his creepiness.

Hm interesting, it seems Rhona has met her chess match in Osgar's girlfriend Janey.

Come evening and it was time for Rhona to teen.

Quarrie's incredibly nice friend is still hanging around, possibly wanting to show off her lovely dress made by ellirynia(ClariPlayer5 at Boolprop.com). If you want it it's here at Boolprop.

Yeah no, neither hair nor clothes are Rhona as I see her. Off to the dresser and mirror.

There - a picture of serenity.

"OMFG Shadey can't you lyke SEE that I'm TOTALLY about to pass out?!"

Geesh, calm down girl and go to bed already.

Oh, Rhona rolled Family/Popularity and her LTW is .... wait for it: to Own 5 Top Level Businesses. What kind of Family sim rolls that want?! A very mean Family sim.

Not long after I'd told Rhona to go to bed, Omarina woke up with those familiar twinges.

Seems like Komei is happy that Quarrie gets to see how babies are brought into the world.

Meet the Therapist's son - Urquhart Bun. Skin#1, Dark Blue eyes and Black hair.

Methinks he is going to look an awful lot like his dad. *is pleased*

Aww, Sailor senses he has become a granddad again.

To help Quarrie get over learning the facts of life in such a graphic way I decided to let him fulfill the want of a sneak out. And what do you know; even Infallibly Good witches aren't always Infallibly Good.

I'm impressed; not only does she show up in a really snazzy car, she also manages to illuminate it appealingly with her sparkles.

It's kinda beautiful, don't you think?

Inside the house, Sailor is helping Torradan waste his smartmilk with hugs and cuddles, but who cares when they are being so adorable.

Early the next morning I see something I haven't seen before; no not Komei's bum (which I have very kindly shielded you sensitive souls from seeing) but Komei's gaining 500 aspiration points from, apparently, having a shower.

With the oven empty and with the planned babydaddy V not available till later and with Komei not going to work till mid-afternoon, I thought I might as well let Omarina go to work. She hasn't been there since... well I can't remember but it's quite a while.

While Omarina was away at work Komei made the house ready for the arrival of babydaddy V.
Yes Komei, that really is more or less what he looks like.

Urquhart is a popular little fellow; once the teens finished their homework they raced to his cot to see who could get to feed him first.
Phiala won, as you see.

A little while later, Seamus and Angus came home from school and Angus was very upset that he couldn't sit at the same table as his pseudo twin. He really does want to do all the same things as Seamus.

An hour after Komei left for work Omaina returned, with no less than 47 vacation days in the bag. This is a definite record for me.

Omarina started getting ready for the important visit straightaway with the baking of Santa cookies (you can just see them on the kitchen counter in the background) and the Holiday Roast dinner.

Unfortunately the Holiday Roast proved a little bit too rich for Osgar who grew fat after guzzling his plateful.

Poor sod looks quite shocked about it.
Cheer up Osgar, you don't look fat at all. You just be glad you're not a sims 3 sim.

After the dishes were washed and Omarina had sent the kids to bed, babydaddy V made his Ho-Ho-Ho'ing entrance.

He went straight for the tasty-looking Santa cookies which had been left out for him.

Osgar - I sincerely hope you are not planning to fart again.

When Omarina came to cheer for Santa Klaus it was time to click the simBlender, and now there is a little Christmas Bun in the oven.

Meanwhile outside, I see a very disturbing sight; Komei bringing home Orlando Bertino who apparently is one of his fellow Cat Burglars. 0_o

Just NO Komei!

At least Orlando had the sense to see that it was way past his bedtime, and promptly left the lot.

Inside the house Santa Klaus very kindly left a Fun-Kadelic Frequency Stereo system and then agreed to give Quarrie a friendly hug before he left.

Aww look at Quarrie, he's completely in awe.

The next morning there were cheers all round as my screen filled up with messages that school was closed due to snow.

Little did they know I was planning to make them skill all day.

As lunch time rolled round Sailor voice his disapproval at my watching tennis when there are sims to be played and updates to be written.

But-but-but - it's so exciting to see Andy Murray play, and I love strawberries and cream.

Oh dear plumbbob, here is that Games guy again. Just pretend you haven't seen him.

Really? Drawing comes under Games now?

Alright, Seamus was playing chess a little while earlier.

"That new chap, CSquared, he's a bit of allright, don't you think?"

And that's it folks, this update is over for now and I leave you with a picture of Omarina getting 500 aspiration points for eating a Santa Cookie, she has started craving them like mad, I wonder why? ;)

Apologies for the abrupt ending, I suddenly realized this update was getting rather long.

Thank you for reading, I hope you'll tune in again next time to see how the next batch of Buns grow up. I have to admit I am really looking forward to see how Urquhart, the Therapist's son, will fare in the genetics department.

If you want to have a peek at the Bun family tree as it now stands, click Here.

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