Hot Spot picspam

Oct 05, 2010 07:09

For caperland we had to pick our favorite episode to picspam. Mine is Hot Spot. I'll have better commentary on why later, but I should have left for work 5 minutes ago!

The getting ready scene rocked. The case wasn't so spectacular, but I loved the uniforms and the way they just all worked together.

Again with the working together. I loved the synchronicity and the cool factor. Blowing up the bar didn't hurt either. :D

This is why I really loved the episode. I knew that Fiona wasn't dead, but Jeffrey Donovan sold the hell out of this. His devastated Michael was just.... And then when they connected with the caress and Fiona realized that Michael had been seriously worried, the emotional connection was amazing.

And then there was the kiss. Hot and sweet and just wonderful. I love the two of them together even if half the time they seem to want to kill each other. It is moments like this that bring the show to a higher level in my opinion.

picspam, burn notice

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