*I am not associated with Twitter, LoudTwitter, or LiveJournal*
LoudTwitter has shutdown!
LoudTwitter is back, but this page is no longer being updated.
I've had a few question on this - here's a quick sheet on setting up Loud Twitter to post to LiveJournal with custom settings:
LiveJournal (LJ) - if you don't know what that is, why are you reading this?
Twitter (TW) - a fastpost system, that lets you use your cell phone's SMS system to send (post to Twitter) and receive messages.
LoudTwitter (LT) - a system that read your posts to Twitter and posts them to your favorite blog (LiveJournal)
Step ZERO: You WILL follow
LoudTweeter on Twitter! When something goes wrong, it's really him that you need to yell at, not me!
Okay - for this to work, you will need to have/create three accounts; one on each of the systems. (I assume you have an email account somewhere.) Do them in the order given below since you'll need the info for LJ and TW to create the LT account.
Step One: Create the first two accounts
http://www.livejournal.com - You need to update to PAID, PLUS, or PERMANENT
http://www.twitter.com - [According to LoudTwitter, this has to be PUBLIC now.]
The reason you need to upgrade your LJ account is you'll be using email to post entries. (
Step Two: Set up your LJ so you can email posts:
Go here:
http://www.livejournal.com/manage/emailpost.bmlIn the section "Allowed sender addresses" enter "noreply@loudtwitter.com" and DON'T check the "Send errors?" box.
Create a PIN (Do NOT make it one of the passwords you created for your other accounts, but make sure you know it.)
The rest of the info is your choice.
Now, go to:
http://www.livejournal.com/manage/emailpost.bml?mode=help&type=pinThis will give you an example of how to post via email. It should look like
Copy and paste it somewhere, replacing {LJaccount} with your LJ account name and {PIN} with the PIN number you created above. You'll need this email address in a minute.
Step Three: Now you're ready to create your LT account!
http://www.loudtwitter.comFollow the steps as given, it's very straight forward.
After you finish, you will see a message on LT's home page when you log in:
Warning, your email hasn't been verified.
LoudTwitter has sent a verification mail to the email account you used when you created your account. It won't post to LJ until you verify that address.
If you don't find the verification message in your inbox, check your SPAM folder. If you don't find it, make sure you gave it your correct email address.
Once the account is created, go to
http://www.loudtwitter.com/user/prefs and put what you want in the "text to add at the beginning of the post". Mine is:
lj-security: twit
lj-userpic: twitter
lj-tags: twitted
Thoughts in 140 characters
There is also a field called "text to add at the end of the post:" Mine is:
Automatically shipped by
LoudTwitter This means:
I've a friends list on LJ called "twit" so I can choose who sees it.
I've also a picture on LJ called "twitter" so those who read me on their friends page can tell at a glance.
I've TAGGED it as "twitted".
I start the actual posts with the "Thoughts in 140 characters" comment.
The actual tweets are behind an LJ-CUT with the cut-text "Tweets".
(Please note that if you use the TEST feature on LoudTwitter that these come through as straight text.)
Make sure the "lj-security" kinda tags go FIRST! Use only the parts you need. More info:
http://www.livejournal.com/manage/emailpost.bml?mode=help&type=headers Step Four: STILL not done, but close!
Now you have to change the way LT posts to LJ!
Go here:
http://www.loudtwitter.com/user/email You will find a page with one field in it.
Enter the "{LJaccount}+{PIN}@post.livejournal.com" you saved from above and hit OK.
Step Five: Correct the type of posting
Go to:
http://www.loudtwitter.com/ If you created your LT account with any kind of posting other then the email account, you should have a note under "Shipment preference" that tells you "You have more that one shipment method configured, please select the one used for shipping daily"
Select "Email" and hit "set"
And you're done! If you don't have the "more than one shipment" You were done a little while ago.
I leave the choosing of when it ships to you, and to figuring out how to use your phone to the TW help section.
If it doesn't work:
- Log into LoudTwitter and check if it still thinks you need to verify an email address. If it does, resend the verification message and check the email account you used to create the LoudTwitter account.
- There is now limited diagnostic information on the first page of the LT page including when it will post next and if there was an issue with the email verification.
- Go through the above LINE BY LINE! Most errors are things like the PIN being wrong, or confusing your LJ/LT/TW names.
- If it doesn't post the first time, WAIT! It often takes two days to post initially.
- If it still doesn't work, flip the posting type from EMAIL to ATOM and back.
- If it STILL doesn't work, AND you've read the comments below, then ask. I *may* be able to help, or at least guess. In your problem post, include your Tweet name AND a link to one LoudTweet post (if available) because these are the FIRST things I'll ask for!
Please note that if you use LoudTwitter's TEST function it will prove that you can post. It shows everything, so the "lj-security" stuff in Step Three will be visible and won't work. Last updated (for those that follow this post):
26-Dec-2008 Typos, LJ-CUT information, and to clarify the PIN.
04-Jan-2009 Added in basic troubleshooting steps.
24-Jan-2009 Typo fixed.
27-Jan-2009 Added about the change on the first page.
31-Jan-2009 New information about the verification message just added.
01-Feb-2009 Updated email verification message.
05-Apr-2009 Made note about LoudTwitter's TEST feature.
18-Aug-2009 Loud Twitter back up.
24-Aug-2009 Typo fixed.
15-Jul-2010 LoudTwitter shutting down.
30-Nov-2010 LoudTwitter shutting down, under new management. This page is no longer being updated, however.