Status: OPEN
If you want to request a still/animated icon, or a graphic of any kind (banner, header, wallpaper), this is the place to do it.
I accept requests in all my fandoms (list can be found
in my profileIn your request you can be as vague as saying "Please make me a Supernatural icon with Dean and Sam", or as specific as "
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Comments 57
& btw, once again, thanks so incredibly much for the BB 2010 icons!
If you want specific photos merged, you can post the links here, or send them via my email: roguemousey AT yahoo DOT pl (just put "mousey_creation request" in the subject line).
*grins* No problem, sweetie - it was entirely my pleasure. Nothing makes me happier than satisfying the needs of my fellow fangirls ^_^
Right now I'm co-writing a J2 fic with a friend and we would love to get art for our story. So basically it's J2 in the future when the guys are 60 and 56, have been married for 25 years and already have 5 kids. The main idea would be to have a pic where the guys look older (you know, grey temples, maybe a few more wrinkles around Jensen's eyes, stuff like that). If you are interested in doing such a manip, please tell me. I would be eternally gratefull and I can give you more info on the story by PM. ;) If this request is totally out of place, I'm sorry for the bother.
Have a nice day! ;)
Maybe if you could send me the pictures you want Photoshoped, I'd be able to get back to you with something more concrete?
If you could give me an e-mail address, I'd be glad to send you the result.
First, thanks for all the wonderful icons for BigBang, and now this! \o/
Ten billion awesome points for you.
I was wondering...could I get an animated icon of Sam from 1x01 Pilot, where Sam walks in with the coffee and bag and raises his arms?
Because that motion fills me with an odd fangirlish glee.
And maybe witty text? Because I'm feeding all of mine to BigBang.
I would be so grateful if you could~
I'd love to make an animated icon for you. Trouble is, I can't seem to find the scene you've mentioned - I've skipped through the entire copy of the Pilot that I have, but I don't see anything that matches your description.
Could you possibly tell me how far into the episode the scene occurs? Or what else is happens in that scene? Or maybe even - if it's not too much trouble - point me in the direction of a YouTube clip or something?
I'd be really grateful ^_^
*is a confused little puppy*
My bad >.<
It's in Phantom Traveler 1x04
Where Dean is laying on the bed in his boxers(
S'no problem, hun. Everyone gets a bit "confuseled" now and again ;)
Okay, this is what I came up with:
( ... )
Can I make a request for one that sums up my situation?
It's a little wordy, so if it doesn't work with your current template, feel free to do something else (or do nothing at all--I'll understand). But I would love:
…because a futuristic, slave J2AU had seemed like such a good idea at the time.
That's what is running through my head as I'm looking at my fic and wondering what I've gotten myself into. :-)
Thanks again. You rock!
Having input into the awesomeness that is Big Bang (and the J2 fandom in general) is great and all, but actually knowing that people like my work?... well that's just EPIC.
So once again: thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Your comment made my day ^_^
As for the request, it'd be my pleasure.
Since the text you requested is quite long, I had to change the "look" of the icon, but I tried to keep the notepad-like feel of the original batch (so you wouldn't be too singled out ;P )
Anyway, here's what I came up with:
( ... )
You are da man.
Or wo-man.
Or wo-myn.
Seriously, I'm easy. ;-)
Thank you so, so much! :-D
and if you couldn't do that then a BigBang icon with the purple BIgBand heading that says
"Yay! signed up for art. Must learn photoshop."
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'll gladly try my hand at the Dark Side of the Moon episode icon you requested. I just have two questions: do you want the icon to be animated, and are there any specific shots you want me to capture?
Since it'll take me a while to make the icon (again: Real Life is a bitch), I have something to make the wait a little easier:
( ... )
Second the Dark Side Of The Moon icon would be great if it's animated with the scene of the boys getting shot.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this....... (smiley face)
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