Title: The Right to Privacy
moustache_wax from The Bachelors of Baker Street
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Rating: NC-17 / Grown-ups only!
Summary: Excerpts from Watson’s Journal
Thanks: Beta-love to
. All remaining flubs are my doing.
Warnings: None. Unless hot, Victorian man-on-man action offends you, in which case you have been duly warned.
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Comments 34
Hehe! I love everything about this story, but that line is especially great. Thank you for sharing!
I loved Holmes pulling Watson's entire chair to him. It was like a mini, sexier version of him straightening the fire poker - he doesn't seem like he'd be able to, but then he does it out of nowhere. Very well done!
Thanks so much for reading! And big thanks for the screen cap/icon thing that I used to make one of my icons (on this story and this reply.) I usually make my own caps, but you posted some beauties at cox_and_co! Yay, you.
I think your sexy Watson icon would have approved of this story ;)
And oh I definitely think he does.
I loved that line! This was a great story. I loved Watson's anger, and Holmes' reasonable explanation. And all of the little tricks Holmes played on Strakes . .. wonderful!
Loved the idea of Holmes wanting to make margin notes. Maybe it's just that I don't care to mix candy and coitus (though I like both), but you lost me at the treacle. I just don't find it plausible that the first time between these two would involve anything so gussied up. Wouldn't they just, you know, Go At It?
Apart from the treacle, I enjoyed this a lot.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, or at least most of it. I did have fun writing it. As for the c&c, more often than not I'm sure they would just go at it, but I do want to mix it up from time to time.
Of course, I'm from the school of thought that says "everything worth trying is worth trying with chocolate." Watson got a little of my sweet tooth here. Writer's bias, and all that... ;^)
Thanks for reading and big thanks for the feedback.
Lovely little fic you've got here. ^,^
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