
Oct 07, 2005 01:32

So, I've been ill lately and nothing has helped. It only just occurred to me, but clearly the problem is that I haven't made for the old Victorian first aid kit. I really should have checked with Watson first.

Is there nothing this wonder-elixir won't cure?!

  • Treatment for hysteria
    from The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb
    "I have been making a fool of myself," he gasped.
    "Not at all. Drink this." I dashed some brandy into the water, and the colour began to come back to his bloodless cheeks.

  • Treatment for near-death
    from The Adventure of the Lion's Mane
    At any moment he might die. More and more brandy was poured down his throat, each fresh dose bringing him back to life.
    He gulped down brandy, a whole bottleful, and it seems to have saved his life

  • Treatment for stress/"Absolute exhaustion--possibly mere hunger and fatigue"
    from The Adventure of the Priory School
    Then Holmes hurried with a cushion for his head, and I with brandy for his lips.

  • Treatment for freaking out when accused of a crime
    from The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
    For a moment he had staggered and nearly fallen, but the brandy brought a tinge of colour into his cheeks

  • Treatment for fainting
    from The Naval Treaty
    Then he fell back into an armchair, so limp and exhausted with his own emotions that we had to pour brandy down his throat to keep him from fainting.

There is, of course, much more evidence in favour of brandy to be found in Waton's records, but I grow tired now (and I think that means I need a brandy.)

humour, pictures

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