Write Off; battle ....

May 24, 2011 21:53

Who: Rogue, etc
Where: GOTF!Verse
Prompt: This 
Rating: U
Word total: 987
Warnings: None really. Sorry


It’s a balmy afternoon, the garden bathed in warm sunshine that makes doing anything too strenuous undesirable but not so hot that it makes the little ones uncomfortable. The garden is littered with toys and blankets, dotted around so that they can play whilst the adults watch on.

Mama Vivi is watching over Lucia in the pool, the young girl showing off how she can swim without water wings now and diving down to retrieve the toys that have sunk to the bottom with ease. She’s proving to be a water baby at heart, desperate to drag anyone and everyone out to the pool whenever she gets chance. Ophelia is lounging in the shade of an umbrella on a lounger, Mercutio fast sleep on her chest, sucking on his thumb and sprawled out, little legs kicking as he dreams about how he’s been walking on his own today.

The radio plays in the background, the sounds Fall Out Boy echoing across the garden and adding to the relaxed atmosphere that they’re all enjoying. Rogue arrived here two days ago, after Ric had pestered her solidly for two weeks about wanting to see his God-daughter and sister. It’s a vacation of sorts for them all, Ric’s booked the month off of work, determined to spend time with his family, especially seeing as Mercutio is growing up so fast. At fourteen months it’s hard to remember the tiny, wriggling bundle of joy that had once been so demanding, needy and helpless, when compared to the confident toddler who crawls around at speed and gets into everything. And they mean everything.

Over in the dappled shade of the garden, laying on a blanket and propped up on his side, Ric sits with Robin leaning back against his chest, as Mark pulls all kinds of stupid faces at the eight month old. She squeals and giggles, twisting and turning to wave her arms at her Momma who is filming.

“Go on Mark, do it again.” Ric eggs Mark on, pressing a kiss to the side of Robin’s head as he reaches out for Mark, a gummy grin firmly in place. Drawing in a deep breath Mark holds it before blowing raspberries and pulling a face. Robin immediately starts laughing, bouncing on the spot as she gurgles, and ending with a happy baby sigh. Rogue can’t help but laugh as well, watching as her daughter is entertained by the people she loves.

She came here to get away from all the problems back home in New York; since Robin was born things haven’t been easy going. There have been up days and down days with Robin’s father Clive, fights over money, the fact that they aren’t married and that he really isn’t too sure what he wants. It’s like he wants the family lifestyle but not at the risk of Rogue’s powers coming back... but it’s a little late for that now seeing as Robin is already here and there is no turning back.

Cooing at his God-daughter Ric lifts her up and rolls onto his back, waiting as Mark sprawls on the blanket next to him. They both make aeroplane noises, swaying Robin back and forth and watching on in glee as she kicks her legs and wriggles with excitement. Rogue knows things haven’t always been easy between her boys, Mercutio was far from planned yet Ophelia, despite her oddities, has proven to be an amazing mother. Though there are miles between them Ophelia will often jump in on Ric’s phone-calls to discuss baby things, asking questions and making suggestions, so at least Rogue hasn’t felt completely isolated during her pregnancy and being a mother.

Coming here hasn’t allowed her to completely escape her problems, last night she ended up arguing over the phone with Clive, to the point where Ric had come in, taken the phone off of her and told Clive where to stick it. She’d been angry at him for interfering at first, but then, deep down, she understands that he just wants the best for her and Robin. As far as Ric is concerned, and he’s made the point perfectly clear on several occasions, Clive isn’t worthy of his sisters affections until he stops jerking her around.

Snapping the camcorder closed Rogue finally lets her thoughts return to the moment, no point dwelling on something that she can’t change right now anyway. Raven and Destiny had both agreed that it was important for Rogue and Robin to spend some quality time away with their surrogate extended family; which for Raven to suggest, though slightly begrudgingly, must mean that Destiny had made it clear to her not to grumble and complain about the Mexican. Leaning back on her rug in the shade, she watches on as Mark and Ric lay pressed close together, from shoulder to toe with Robin lying across their chests. The little one is exhausted from a busy day and even Ric looks like he’s about to doze off for a siesta in the sun.

One minute Rogue is watching the two boys and the next Mark is cradling a sleeping Robin in his arms, rocking ever so gently from side to side. He gestures with his head towards the house, handing Robin over as he goes to fetch Mercutio from his spot on Ophelia and leads the way back inside where it is nice and cool and quiet. Rogue can remember a time when she’d answered the phone, expecting to speak to Ric and instead had an anxious Mark on the phone. Babbling away about being a Daddy and what was he going to do. Looking at him now with his son, well it’s easy to forget just what he can be like.

The world might be falling to pieces outside their door but here? In this sanctuary she can escape all that and feel like everything is okay. Just for a little while.


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