Voting: Challenge #159

Aug 02, 2011 17:08

Thank God it's working again! So here's the voting for the Harry Potter icons, finally! We don't have as many entries as we had for the previous Potter challenges, but it's a very good outcome and a beautiful batch!

Please pick:
- your favourite icons (you may pick up to three)
- up to two icons for Best Coloring
- up to two icons for Most Creative
- up to two icons for Best Cropping

Do not vote for your own icons, please!
Thanks so much for participating! Good luck to all!

H A R R Y   P O T T E R   A N D   T H E
D E A T H L Y   H A L L O W S :   P A R T   2








If you want to use any of these icons, please make sure to ask for permission from the icon maker.


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