argh, the slap-happiness has worn off!!!!!!!! i have the do....THIS!!!!
50 things you don't know about me
1. I itch really really reall bad right now.
2. Sometimes I have really bad attacks of really low self-esteem.
3. If freshman year was like 8th grade I would probably have gone suicidal (sad but true) I had like....2 real friends.
4. My fortune cookie, if found December first, would have been the most true thing in the entire world "You will find love in unexpected places" (DRIVER'S ED)
5. I seriously have to think about my directions (left or right).
6. The above fact has led to my driving into on-coming traffic in Driver's Ed. (and also the fact that I was "distracted" think about "something".......heeheehee. Sorry Mr Roberts!)
7. Sometimes my dad calls me fat. And I cry......>_>
8. I quite seriously belive that my mom hates me.........and Emily really is her favorite.
9. Typos irk me sooooo much.
10. I have run away from home three times......didn't get far any of the times......and to this day, that pisses me off.
11. I AM ATTRACTED TO TALL SKINNY WHITE BOYS!!!!!!! (kinda obvious!)
12. Me and Erin totally compare snogging different boys (yeah, we rock).
13. >_> this is gonna sound weird but sometimes I feel so much in love it scares that bad? I think so......
14. In my great-aunt's house, there is a room where the women aren't allowed to go. I am serious.
15. I like to steal people's IM faces (>_> >_< ^-^ ^^).
16. I am horrible at remembering names to songs and who sings them......
17. I seriously hate it when people misspell my name. UUUUUGGHHHHHHHHHH. Really. It is C-A-I-T-L-I-N. Thank you.
18. One of my most favorite nicknames is Wench. I love much.
19. Somedays I hate Kevin.....but it's going away......but I do blame him for a lot of things.
20. I have so many questions but I never want to ask them.
21. When my parents ask me questions about each other, or say horrible things about eachother to me, I want to smack them upside the head and say "THIS IS NOT MY PROBLEM, YOU SORT IT OUT!"
22. Once my mom told me that I would be the cause of my parent's divorce. I told my dad, and he yelled at my mom, and my mom yelled at me. Welcome to my home life.
23. If my parents did get a divorce, I would live with my dad.
24. I find my psychologist a HUGE waste of time.
25. My absolute favorite thing to do is make people laugh. Preferabley big groups of people.
26. I wish I could sing better.
27. I wish I could dive...............blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
29. I lost seven pounds when I got Mono. I gained three of them back. Yeah, you needed to know......
30. Along with fat and skinny days......I also have pretty and not-so-pretty days. Sad but true. Oh well.
31. I love theatre. I love Summer Music Theater. Soooooo much.
32. Heather and Matt are my life. And I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve them so!!!!!!
33. I find inside jokes to be the BEST THINGS EVER. They are. You don't even know. "My weiner is a winner.......PENIS OF THE YEAR, 2005" That means I much.
34. I find it hilarious that the farthest I've ever gone was in the back of a movie theatre........AND in the auditorium at school. Take THAT, opressive administration!!!!!!!!!!
35. I'm listening the Self Esteem byt Offspring. is SO awesome.
36. I TOTALLY thought Heather was Alex's first g/f.......turns out I was WRONG.
37. First kiss- age 14 and 4 exactly. It was a was open mouth with tongues and it wasn't supposed to be. That started the most off-the-wall summer of my Try most off-the-wall year.
38. Some days I feel like "I AM THE COOLEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hahahahaha, take that Mussolini!!!
39. Sometimes I hit people and I hurt them and I don't mean too........:(
41. I love my Celtic knot necklace. My daddy got it in Texas.....because that is where all the Celts hang out, apparently.
42. Matt was my first, second, third, and only boyfriend. i would like to see you TRY to top that.
43. I am part of a very complicated love-pinetree-branch/ includes Heather, Matt, Paul, Alex, Sayid........and some other people, I'm sure. It is SO off-the-wall.
44. It is almost 4 AM and I am NOT tired!!!! Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
45. I worry WAY too much, it's unhealthy.
46. I have to pee soooooooooooooooooo bad right now..................but I must continue on and hope I don't pee on Heather's chair.
47. I have weeks where I don't want to eat anything at all.....then some where I want to eat EVERYTHING in sight.
48. I eat so slow, it irritates even ME.
49. I am a night owl! Hurrraah!!!!!!!! HOOT HOOT.
50. Me and Heather's slap-happines is coming back!!!!!!! HUZZAH AND CAKE!!!! Look at the pics up on Heather's LJ! GO....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.