talked with a friend of ours in our theatre craft class tonight. and we found out that he is a relative of DOM'S!!
hes only related by marriage but still. its one of those super long coufusing kinda relations. HAHAHAHA relations (if u watched lost u know what im talking about.)
smoking is BAD!!
im gonna get one of these horse thingys for feliz for xmas..shh!!
"hawaii" cancelled tho (muhaha)..oh well more viewers for LOST!!
lij, dom and evey at 2 am right before driving off to walmart
kira, me, candace, and feliz
our bodyguard.
feliz's bday..eating pizza at school
hahaha..i was rolling around the whole room on this chair
and i end the ranDOM pics with this..just think dom saw this too. your seeing the same thing dom saw..YAY (insert name)!!! dommie pics.