Well its Friday...yay. About all i'm happy for now...aint it great?. These two ppl *cough* bettina n diana *cough*..like u guys stole my portable DVD for the weekend..like what the freak...ugh. What else...hafta go to cousin lil party 2morrow...sure that will be a blast. Hafta work on that math ib crap thingy...my weekend is complete. How did my
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Hola..bored..lol..n finally have had the time 2 update live journal which i think i had completely forgotten off..(oh well). Dont wanna re-tell n re-tell Salvador trip..lol..this will make it easier. Went to El Salvador from the 18th to the 27th. Was so much fun!!..Friday i get there n it late so w/e..nuthin really happens...Saturday i went to a
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was sitting in chair "studyin" when realized i actually had a lj. yes a lil on the slow side, get used to it. At this hour of the night, thinking isnt exactly my forte so just writting crap n will now write a movie list, yay fun
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Well...hola people...i have been bored ... in school...doing hw....living the bad life.....not watching TV......dying of boredom (think i mentioned it..but it true)..only life altering event...BRACES OUTTA MY MOUTH...that about it...lol...boring person, that prob the reason y i am bored...?..dunno...ciao
Hola...yea i kno....havent updated in about 2 weeks or so. Been busy w/ school work and stuff. Have had late nighters and crap and want school 2 finish already...(the work part of it). And since i am such an adventorous person (cough cough) I have like absolutely nuthin new happen 2 me..lol. EIther way, hopefully sumethin will later on that i can
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first day of school...ahhhh!!!!!! This year feels like sooo different. omg. In the morning was like...wow! i know like no one in this school...lol. starting off the day in Ap Euro and yawning like 5 times a minute wasnt the best thing. Then second period..Molina...her classroom es una caja de fosforos....its like terrible and she was a lil mad
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