On the Twentieth and First day of May, Two-thousand and Six years after the Birth of Christ, Noble Sir Benjamin from the Land of Covina, went off to the enchanted land of Irwindale to pay homage to the Queen.
God Save the Queen!
Sir Benjamin watched the Jousting tournaments...
and was so inspired that he felt a strong desire to practice his fine Archery skills...
all the fair maidens were impressed...
as were all the "not so fair" maidens...
then along came a mischevious fairy who enchanted Sir Benjamin...
using a special juice from a "love flower" that she squirted on sir Benjamin's eyes, she made him very disoriented and horny.
There was also something involving a man with the head of an ass and a troupe of very bad actors... but we won't get into that.
Continuing on... Sir Benjamin broke the evil fairy's spell, and went to have a wonderful day in the land of Irwindale.