The atlantic was born today, and I'll tell you how...

Jul 06, 2004 04:25

First...thanks xblankxphotox for the new icon. You fucking rule ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

boys_dont_cry56 July 6 2004, 03:32:57 UTC
oh!oh!oh! chrisssss! i looooove the new icon! VERY neat!
oooh dang! i like screeching weasel lots! i hope i will be able to go to this show, i was sad that i couldnt make it to the last one. i know you killed tho!
keep it up!! love you boy.


movinginstereo July 6 2004, 10:29:48 UTC
HA, thanks. I wish I could take credit for the icon, but it's so beyond what I could do. And it'd be awesome if you made the show. GO GO GO!!

- Chris


ixixdemonxixi July 6 2004, 05:15:49 UTC
Lyndsey Lohan is one damn beautiful red head...

you guys rock! =) hehe



movinginstereo July 6 2004, 10:30:34 UTC
Lyndsey Lohan is a horrible actress...really :-) Come see me play Nancy...please?

- Chris


takingbackcici July 7 2004, 13:30:06 UTC
she totally is.


nineteen80 July 6 2004, 09:05:39 UTC
i wanna go to jims.


movinginstereo July 6 2004, 10:30:57 UTC
Why don't we go to Jim's? What's stopping us?

- Chris


nineteen80 July 6 2004, 13:16:12 UTC
set a date. i have no plans.
are you goin to lorins on wednesday?


movinginstereo July 6 2004, 13:19:03 UTC
I'll see you there.

- Chris


losthippie July 6 2004, 09:26:46 UTC
BBQ at my house tonight, tuesday, from 6 to 9, to get a jump on Ria's birthday celebration...feel free to drop by and hang out for awhile, if you can.....


movinginstereo July 6 2004, 10:32:09 UTC
a) Where do you live?

b) Can I get your number from Mo?


c) Why aren't we on eachother's friend list?? Add me back Shaggy.

- Chris


losthippie July 6 2004, 10:35:34 UTC
Get my number from Mo, and if I am not here when you call, get directions from her...and tell her to get her ass out here for the BBQ...she can bring her beau if she wants :-)


movinginstereo July 6 2004, 10:58:43 UTC
OK, cool. Around where do you live? I'll see you tonight.

- Chris


I have been meaning to show you this veronicaguess July 6 2004, 09:27:33 UTC

... )


Re: I have been meaning to show you this movinginstereo July 6 2004, 10:33:44 UTC
Dear Chris,

Could you please be sweating some more? I know it's Warped Tour, but seriously...

But it is a REALLY cute pic.

Dear Veronica,

You rock it out.



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