No more fiddling about

Oct 10, 2006 13:39

Got back from Celtic Colours at 3:30 a.m. I considered driving back to the Gaelic College in St. Ann's after the concert in Judique, but then thought that the hour-and-a-half it would take to drive there could be better put to use getting me halfway towards putting me in my own bed. As it was, I wound up going to The Red Shoe for an hour or so (I ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

anonymous October 10 2006, 17:11:47 UTC
YEEAAH for The Red Shoe! Whatever time of day or night I have been in, there is always great craic and music happening.

(My dad's massive side of the family is all from Mabou.)


queencallipygos October 10 2006, 17:23:55 UTC
No one should ever apologize for having fried chicken. Ever. This is akin to a religious sentiment for me.


nellie_jean October 10 2006, 19:49:02 UTC
im glad you had fun in cape breton. i love the fiddle.
its funny you went out with sabra macgillivray, i took highland dancing lessons from her for years... ahh, it brings back memories.
that whole family is very talented.


moxieholic October 10 2006, 21:36:08 UTC
I always knew you were ready for a hot fling!


nellie_jean October 11 2006, 17:32:01 UTC
you know me!


nightingayle October 10 2006, 21:20:02 UTC
OK, i don't care if you ARE working, the next time you spend five days in cape breton without even giving me the OPTION of tagging along, you're getting a kick in the shins.



moxieholic October 10 2006, 21:37:41 UTC
Yeah, it was pretty intensive...I felt like I was working from the time I got up until I went to bed. There was a lot of me sitting in the back of school gyms and church halls with a laptop going and me busy tapping away. I wasn't really working at my social peak...but next time I'll remember!


robotropolis October 10 2006, 22:03:03 UTC
Don't you love it when strange (and by that I mean, odd) women come up to you in cafes and force you to move stuff in your precious time off?



moxieholic October 11 2006, 11:31:35 UTC
It depends on what they want me to move...and you're entirely welcome!


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