Title: Natsu ato. Kitto no sora (After Summer Comes Autumn Skies)
SKKPages: 46
Characters: Spain, S. Italy
Pairings: Spain/S. Italy
Rating: a generic PG-13 for some language
Warnings: Studies indicate the amount of cute concentrated in this doujin may be fatal in some cases. Otherwise, nothing.
Summary: Romano plans to spend their night fishing excursion napping, so Spain passes the time remembering when he first tried to teach bitty Romano to fish (and he caught a summer cold instead of one that was THIS BIG).
Scans courtesy of
luviblu, thank you~
zip at Mediafirezip at Filesend Share and redistribute however you like; I just want people to enjoy this doujin as much as I have!
Please let me know if there are any problems.
Also, #21 was left purposely blank because it was missing from the original scans and I couldn't get the text, sorry.