Title: Parece ser el paraiso (Seems to be paradise)
narukamiPages: 31
Characters: Spain, S. Italy, Britannia Angel/England, and one cameo of Russia
Pairings: Spain/Romano
Rating: PG-13 for Boss's inability to react appropriately to cute children
Warnings: pedo!Spain. (Also, if you are like Boss, you may become anemic
dead of the cuteness that is the Chibimanos)
Summary: Oh no, Spain ate all but one of Romano's share of tomatoes! Oh yay, Britannia Angel conveniently appears to save the day by multiplying said tomato! Oh no, Romano wanders over to eat the tomato right as Britannia Angel casts his spell! Now surrounded by many little Romanos, Boss is in paradise~ ...right?
Scans courtesy of
hikari_kaitou, thank you~
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