Title: The Kid
Author/Artist: MoyaKite
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Mainly Prussia, Canada, Romano, and Freddy (little kid!OC), buta lot of characters turn up. (In this chapter: Freddy, Prussia, Canada.) Also, Canada and Prussia are now sort of an item.
Rating: PG-13 (just to be safe)
Warnings: Allusions to serious illness; some cuteness, but with
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Comments 12
Thank you so much for all of your comments and support throughout this fic.
And it hurts more and more to see Prussia like that ... I think that last chapter will be heartbreaking. ;A;"
But it would be rather interesting to see Freddy's life years after Prussia's death ... Oh, and maybe before he was found too, we still don't really know what happened to him. owwo
Also, good luck with all your work ! And don't rush yourself ~
I do still wish that I'd had a chance to include certain scenes in the fic, but I had to draw the line somewhere...
Anyway! I really hope that you enjoy the finale! I know I've said that a million times, but I'm so nervous about what people are going to think that I just can't help myself... I put a lot of thought into the ending, and I wrote what felt right to me, but I worry about what it'll be like for all of the readers... I guess we'll see.
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