I've been thinking about this awhile, about a month now. And I've come to the conclusion that I'm giving up Sammy so someone else can play him.
One of my reasons is that Sammy is generally ignored. I can list on one hand the number of characters that have really RPed with him. And I mean, really RPed, not just dropped one stray comment to in the whole of his time in the game. As my goal for playing Sammy was more character interaction, this has been a major flop. Two, without a Mouse I really feel Sammy has lost an important factor in his plotline. Three, I joined the game to play as Moz, but seem to spend more time playing Sammy. I want to get back into my Moz groove as the Moon/Danni/Moz scene really reminded me of why I joined. I think where I left off Sammy is a fine place for someone new to pick him up. Here's his info:
username: mallrat_sammy
password: VRVRr3d