Final Two Drabbles

Apr 25, 2011 09:07

Welcome one and all to this, our final week!

Our final two drabblers, whitmans_kiss and anothersaturday have produced fantastic final drabbles for you. I don't envy you guys for having to choose a favourite.

Title: Near Miss
Author: anothersaturday
Summary: "And there were near misses, many of them. We laughed about them afterwards. We were young, thoughtless - carried away with our cleverness."  Remus almost eats some people.  Sirius isn't particularly bothered.

This night: bright and hot, the scent of yesterday’s rain still lingering on the air; the moon hanging wide as an open eye, its light dyeing the black sky a dark blue.  Padfoot can hear the soft hooting of owls overhead, and the gleeful patter of his own heart.  The fear he felt a moment ago has dissipated, and he lets himself forget

(too close to the road, oh and there had been human footsteps, human voices, just on the other side of the trees)

because when he’s like this, it's hard to focus on

(the way the wolf had whined irritably, tensed to leap, and if Prongs hadn’t seen in time, hadn’t lowered his head and used his rack of bony horns to drive Moony back-but he did see in time, he did, it was fine)

anything but the cool air mussing his fur, and the dumb animal joy in his chest.  He runs faster, claws digging into the loamy earth as he swerves around the rat, leaps past the stag, and follows Moony deeper into the green tangle of the forest

(In the morning Remus will pick leaves from Sirius’s hair, laughing sheepishly as Sirius describes how close they came to disaster.  “We should be more careful,” Remus will say.  “I don’t want to kill anyone, well, ‘cept for sometimes when I want to kill you.”)

going so fast now that the world judders erratically before his eyes, so fast that the moon seems to tremble above them.  His blood rushes in time with the wind, and oh, this night: and with his mind and his heart made simple and primal, he believes that life will always be this way now, joyous and pure, that there is no pain that can touch them again.

Title: The Sandman Comes by Moonlight
Author: whitmans_kiss
Summary: Twelve years on, the Wolfsbane doesn't make transformations any less painful. Moony still dreams of running alongside him, and Remus still dreams of being by his side.
Contains: angst, oral sex, naked Hagrid.
The Wolfsbane potion, Remus thinks as he curls up beside his office desk, could not have been more aptly named.

He no longer turned into a vicious beast intent on destroying every bit of flesh that crossed its path, but remained humanly intact, left with nothing but the pain of the transformation and the desire to sleep it off. But however much he could now control his mind, he could not control his dreams, and lately they’d turned to memories of what full moons used to be, when he ran freely with the Marauders.

Tonight, he dreams a memory of seventh year, when they’d strayed too close to the edge of the Forest, sprinting around Hagrid’s hut before streaking back into the green cover of darkness provided by the trees. Sirius had accosted Remus in the infirmary afterwards, laughing as he relayed how he'd peeked through the windows and seen Hagrid bathing.

“Does it get you hot, Lupin, thinking about ol’Hagrid starkers?” Sirius growled through a smile, climbing over the aluminum frame onto the cot, straddling Remus’ calves.

“Rather think about you naked, if that’s alright,” said Remus, raising an eyebrow at this new development and starting to shoo Sirius off him. “Padfoot, what-Pomfrey’ll be in to give me my potions any minute-”

The smile was replaced by a wicked grin when Sirius pulled back the sheet, quickly furling James’ Cloak over his shoulders, ducking his head. “I know,” Sirius whispered, licking along a fresh scar below Remus’ hip as Remus shoved bandaged knuckles in his mouth to keep from keening.

Remus wakes to the sound of his own screaming, the frustrated tears forcing their way out less from the anguish of returning to his own form, but from the loss of what should have been, what had.

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Happy Reading! :)

final two, drabbles

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