spnfreak15 and
ysbailFandom: CW RPS
Title:Pulling Pigtails (And Other Ways to Show Him You Care)
Rating: NC-17
Summary:Jensen is an Omega who worked hard to prove to everyone that he didn't need an alpha to support him. He put himself through nursing school and is ready to start his new job. The last thing he needs to deal with is sexist Doctor Padalecki, who makes his work life hell so Jensen will quit. Then Jensen goes into heat during work, and well, things get complicated.
Warnings:Graphic Births, Knotting, Possible dub con(heat influenced sex), Rape References(Other people referencing the dub con), Feminization(Omega's referred to as 'Mothers', 'Mrs.', 'Wife'. Omega's acting feminine in general), Sexism(against a made up gender), Jared being kind of an asshole at first.
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