1. How about a brief introduction?
Hi, I'm Hannah. That good enough?
2. What got you into fan fiction (and/or adopting muses)?
I started in chat rooms like probably in middle school. Did some short-story (you so don't want to read any of that) in high school and then really got into writing actual muses about four years ago or so I think. Maybe five. Hi, Buffyverse when you were ginormous. I started roleplaying before writing fic and then muse comms started a little over two years ago for me.
3. What kind of fan fiction do you write?
I've written it some, but I've personally never been a huge fan of any of the actual fic I've written. But the little that there is has all been Buffyverse. Though, I guess my nano could technically be considered original fiction for the most part. Not completely, but the Nic's story doesn't get fandom-ized, minus a few little things, until the time she entered FM.
4. Do you write for the same pairings/characters?
I used to, but at least as far as rp goes, I will write whoever with whomever as long as there is a storyline that makes it interesting and not forced.
5. What is your most popular fic/muse and why do you think people like it so?
There were a few Bangel fics I posted that got some hits and requesting sequels. Not that I ever actually.. got to that. cough. As for muses, Angel is def. the most popular at least in requests to write.
6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic/post/prompt you've written that you're most proud of?
Favorite prompt? I have no freaking clue. There were a few Fred ones in the beginning of FM I'm probably more proud of. Hah, I probably shouldn't, but I kind of liked
this one of Ron's. Umm. Post-wise, probably during the Days of Our Island Lives in
fm_island_plot or some things written when
the manic trio all went a little crazy. Oh, and um.
This one time two psychos on hormones decided to write sadistic and masochistic vampires who were cranky with each other. And yes I just realized that all of those favorites have a few things in common so WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT ME. Probably that I'm suffering from the same state of hormones as before right now.
7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What aspects do you struggle with?
Both. It depends on my mood and if I happen to be feeling something at the moment. Certain kinds of things are easier than others, certain muses are easier than others. It all changes.
8. Write a few sentences of your favorite pairing or character.
Don't have a few sentences, but
this is my favorite line for Fred that I have ever written ever dot come. :D The comments, not the actual prompt. lol
9. Are there any fan fiction trends/clichés you hate/dislike?
There's plenty. I cannot stand taking out one's personal issues with a writer actually in the writing itself. Half the time it makes a muse ooc anyway. I am not my muses and vice versa. Unless it's one of those people who writes every one of their characters alike (aka like themselves) and that's another whole issue entirely. Absolute ships. Saying that character X only loves character Y end of story and screw anyone for saying that they could ever fall for anyone who wasn't the other. I'm all for OTPs, I have several, but giving your muse an absolute without room for change is ridiculous.
There are more, but that will just get me ranty.
10. Are you guilty of any of the trends you hate/dislike?
Yes, but pretty much everyone is of the things they don't like.
11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still write for it?
Well, there was the chat room thing that was just basically random OCs, but actual fandom writing was BtVS/AtS and yes. Obviously.
12. Name your OTPs and explain what it is about them you love to write.
lmfao you really want me to name them all huh? Buffy/Angel was my first otp and after that came Fred/Wesley. I'll always love Bangel in canon, but I don't write it a lot, or at all really, anymore. Fred/Wesley will only ever be an otp for me in canon only. Not much of a fan in writing for some weird reason. As for rp otps.. or at least muses that I write:
Angel- Angel/Faith, Angel/Darla, Angel/Harry, Angel/Faith/Harry, Angel/Dom, Angel & Connor (NOTICE I LEFT OUT THE SLASHY THING) which will be my favorite relationship for him ever end of story, the end.
Fred- Fred/Gunn, Fred/Angel, Fred/Faithy, Fred/Harry, Fred/Connor, Fred/Spikey
Nicole- Nicole/Dean, Nicole/Kim, Nicole/Alec (shhh), Nicole/Grace LMFAO SHUT UP, Nicole/Kennedy in the bff sort of way
Seeley- Seeley/Bones, Seeley/Cam, and then in the non shippy sense, Seeley/Gabe and Seeley/Emily.
Tyler- Tyler/Lily, Tyler/Lexi (yes, you read that right), and it's possible for Tyler/Lucy. He apparently likes the L names.
Molly- Molly/Seth, Molly/Lucy
and by fandom:
Twilight- Bella/Jake, Bella/Edward, Alice/Jasper, Rosalie/Emmett, Carlisle/Esme, and the whole Cullen family dynamic is amazing
Harry Potter- Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Sirius/Remus, and non shippy ones- Harry/any father figure, Ginny/the twins, Harry/Ron, Harry/Hermione, Harry/Luna, Harry/Neville ... I haven't done enough rp in this fandom to go very AU or fanon in shipping
There are more, but that's enough. :)
13. What would you call your writing style?
Anything goes. I write some things to see how it ends up and go from there. With a lot of muses, I've stopped trying to predict outcomes because it ALWAYS ends up differently. :) But in a good way.
My actual style? I dunno. You tell me.
14. Do you read other people's writing? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?
I read everyone I've got friended and then some. I like checking other people's muse flists too just to read different things that I might not actually be involved in too. I don't read a lot of straight up fic anymore though.
15. Name one thing you'd love to write but have been too afraid or too shy to do.
Um, if I haven't written something it's probably because it hasn't been presented as an option or put in front of me to write yet. Definitely not because of fear or shyness. At least that's where I am now. lol. I've written fluff, action, romance, angst like woah, comedy, crack. It's all good.
16. Do you feel uncomfortable taking criticism? Or worse, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?
Not really uncomfortable. Everyone has an ego about their writing, but I welcome criticism as long as it's constructive.
17. When you write, is there anything that helps?
Music and food. Wash, rinse, repeat.
18. What inspires you?
Music, other writers, and I love love love going back and rereading old things. It refreshes my memory on a lot of things I might have forgotten and it's good to wake up old muses. Also, memes are good for me sometimes if I can't get anything else done. Not actual writing, but it gets a muse talking.
19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fan fiction/RP experiences and you as a writer?
There's been both good and bad, but the good always wins out in the end. I think I'm blessed to be able to write with some of the best in fandoms out there and am always being challenged to do better. Rock on.
20. Tag some friends, because they'll hate you for it.
Wanna do it? Go for it.