It took Dante 21 years to write the Divine Comedy. So that would put me at ... 36 when you're done. Yeah, mail me a copy. If you're going to be like Dante and put people you know in it I want to be in it (I'm sure I belong in one of those circles) and I want to say something ambiguous so that scholars 700 years from now will wonder about me.
I finished the Inferno last night. Well, finished reading it I'm sure we will still talk about it and talk about it and write tedious style analysises (analysi?) about it and we still have to read portions of purgatory and paradise, and write about them too I'm sure, so actually, I guess I'm not done with the Inferno.
Comments 2
I finished the Inferno last night. Well, finished reading it I'm sure we will still talk about it and talk about it and write tedious style analysises (analysi?) about it and we still have to read portions of purgatory and paradise, and write about them too I'm sure, so actually, I guess I'm not done with the Inferno.
And yes, I wanna read your poetry when it's ready.
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