I think this is pretty simple, if I go by the quiz's categories:
Social Issues:
I'm 75% conservative according to the test. I'm not sure about that percentage, but here's my stance on issues:
Immigration - conservative: Policies should be more strict. I'm not against immigration, its illegal immigration that needs to be dealt with. Why are people fighting for the rights of people who are trying to sneak into America illegally. It makes no sense
Education - liberal: However, the questions the test provided gave me two options, neither of which I either knew a lot about or could decide on. But, I believe education is important, and not enough is spent (there were 17 sheets of paper in the staff room copy machine at ML last friday - 17!!)
Gay Marriage - moderate, but on the test, conservative: Ok....gay marriage is an oxy moron! The term, idea and concept of marriage was based on men owning women - it was not a union of love! Hence, I think gay people are stupid for wanting to buy into marraige. Plus, "marriage" as instituted in the U.S. IS between a man and a woman, whether or not thats written in stone. However, I do believe in gay rights, I just think gay people go after such equal rights as married couples the wrong way.
Affirmative action - conservative: I find it hard to believe that anyone nowadays NEEDS affirmative action to succeed. I know plenty of verrry underpriveleged people who have succeeded and gotten into very expensive, prestigious colleges. I think that affirmative action is liberal bullshit for the blanket idea of "equal rights", a term that should noly be applied where it makes sense, because, ironically, i think affirmative action strips some deserving people of their rights.
Personal Responsibility:
I'm 50/50 on this one.
I'm not really sure what fell into this category. I'm guessing based on the questions:
"Is protecting the environment a social responsibility, despite its effect on business?" - a little more conservative than liberal: It is a social responsiblity; considering that we all pollute the world, it is our mess to clean up. Yet I think environmentalists have such a "drop everything you're doing now and save the rainforest" mentality, that they alienate potential believers. Logging businesses can't stop overnight, and we need aerosol for our windows, our hair, our bugs...etc...We can't stop living to save what isnt going anywhere for a long time. I think gradual limiting of such things is important though.
Gun control - Liberal: I don't know if this goes here, but I think it is insane to imagine this view from the pro standpoint. Protection has never been so dangerous.
Luck - Liberal: Some people are just unfortunate - for one reason or another, I think it is callous to believe everyone creates their own luck.
Marijuana - Conservative: Its illegal so I think if people use it they should go to jail. People never just use pot, they abuse it. I wouldnt eat shit, so why do people smoke pot?
I'm 100% liberal on this one.
I must say, I have one standpoint - make the rich pay for stuff. They should take more of an interest in stimulating our economy. As you can see, I'm not an economist, but I think that we should seize a quarter of every millionare's assets and pay for things with it :)
Also, 100% liberal!
Abortion - liberal: I think it should be allowed and available and thats about it.
Authority - liberal: I'm a teenager - of course all authority should be questioned by nature!
The right to Health Care - liberal: This may have been considered fiscal, but I think its ethical, because it was true or false. I think it comes down to - "do people who can't pay for health care deserve to die". I think the answer is no. Correct me if I'm skewed or wrong, as I'm not health care expert.
Defense and Crime:
100% conservative!!!
DEATH PENALTY - Of course. Kill the fuckers. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. I think Ghandi was right: lets rip the eyes out of those criminal bastards!!!
"The problem with U.S. Justice system is..." - I wasn't aware of a problem actually. But the options were slim, and I DIDNT choose the one that rallied for prisoner's rights. And rehabilitation of criminals?? Yah right - its called repeat offender. Humans are the problem.
War in Iraq - I'm not so confident on this one. I wouldn't say its justified actually. I wouldn't say its not, either. I just think that Saddam Hussein is a murderer, Iraq is a wasteland anyway, and I'm supportive of intervening in any country that's an enemy of Israel. So, for those reasons I'm supportive.
"Is military action that defies international law justified?" - Yes. I watch 24. Its justified. :)