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Is it bad that I really, truely and utterly want to terminate my life?
Maybe it's bad, but who really cares anyway? My friends, nah. Your lives would be better without me. My family, nah. They need a wake-up call to see how much I actually impact their lives. My girlfriend, nah. She needs to actually be independant and not have guys taking advantage of her and treating her like a toy.
She's actually a human being! Not some piece of meat to have and toss away. Maybe that's the only reason I haven't ended my life. To keep her from the rabid animals that are the males of the species. Her vulnerability is empathizing with such animals. Such a bad deal for women.
They think they are going to feel pretty and beautiful for the rest of their lives with males, and the truth is that most males don't give a shit. I do give a shit all of the time when it comes to females. I don't like to see them in bad situations.
Being treated more poorly than the dirt, and coming back to it. WTF?!? I have never physically hurt a woman intentionally, nor have I tried to over-step my boundries with them. For the most part, I have under-stepped my boundries and lost so many oppritunities. No matter though, it is all a learning experience for both I suppose.
It's really fucked up, but what isn't? However, I do seem to hurt females emotionally with the lack of communication with them. I don't understand why this is the case though. When I do communicate, it is with action and not with words. Words only take up space on a page, where an action can speak volumes without even a drop of ink.
I am sorry to all that have had the misfortune of encountering me.