I Almost didn't Write this..

Feb 24, 2004 03:46

I really wasn't in the mood to write an entry today. I decided to anyway, and in doing so, I realized I didn't have any music playing. So I fixed that, and now i'm in a better mood to write. Funny how that works. I guess music is a very powerful thing; it has the power to drastically alter human emotion, but no one ever really thinks about it. ( ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

music randomdream February 23 2004, 21:01:56 UTC
"I guess music is a very powerful thing; it has the power to drastically alter human emotion, but no one ever really thinks about it. (Except for me, of course.....the overthinker)"

I think about it, actually...
Guess you're not the only overthinker around.


It took me twenty odd minutes to look this quote up for you, and when I read it I was mightily disappointed. It is much better in the play.

BENEDICK: Now, divine air! now is his soul ravished! Is it
not strange that sheeps' guts should hale souls out
of men's bodies?

--(Act II, Scene III) Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare


ecstatic_mystic February 24 2004, 11:15:06 UTC
[I also saw Orion's Belt, which I always see. I feel really drawn to those three stars.]

me too.
they are the most familiar to me :)


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