..and this is me? this is my life?

Mar 01, 2004 02:04

It's not much fun, none at all really, living my daily routine ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

mapurunga March 1 2004, 11:21:06 UTC
i'm sorry you are lonely. i am too. i know how it feels to see people being intimate with each other. i know how it feels to go to a movie alone. i know how it feels to cook for one. i am sorry you feel this way. i too feel i am an outcast; i too walk through the ailes of seemingly same people and wonder why i am not like them, why they are so different from me. they seem oblivious to the fact that they are comical to our eyes. wear the red hat, i say.


mr_distant March 2 2004, 15:43:25 UTC
thankyou, your right,
I better go shopping for a red hat then, lol


Meet Joe Black... laurellpc March 2 2004, 00:15:57 UTC
I have been for the last few days trying to download the soundtrack to this movie... I absolutely love the movie and the music. i am just off two songs right now. Damn Kazaa...


Re: Meet Joe Black... mr_distant March 2 2004, 15:44:41 UTC
I also love Meet Joe Black, it was truly a masterpiece of a film, which is very rare nowadays in films.

Which two songs do you need? I could probably get hold of them for you.


Re: Meet Joe Black... laurellpc March 3 2004, 01:21:50 UTC
I have found them on Kazaa. Thanks, though.


You favoritadikshun March 13 2004, 13:37:21 UTC
You intrigue the hell out of me.
And that doesnt happen easily.


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