[This time when Neil fell asleep, he slept easily and free of nightmares. In fact, he had a really good dream for once in his life. When he wakes up, he is in his room and looming nearby is Ali. This time, however, Neil's ready. He darts off the bed and quickly grabs the gun from his hands. He barely pays any mind to the face that he can hardly feel the solid metal that it's made of. Grinning in almost sadistic triumph, he levels it at Ali's chest.]
Any last words, you piece of shit?
Yeah. Goodbye, Gundam pilot.
[Ali's hand dives into a pocket to pull out a second gun that he aims at Neil, both men firing at the same time... and both of them falling backwards at the same time. The room soon fills with a blinding white light and slowly fades to show Neil lying on the ground in a large field of green grass, the skies are a grey-blue in between the puffy, whitish-grey clouds that hardly allow the sun to peek out. A house is visible in the distance, a painfully familiar one that he starts walking toward automatically. A face pops up in the window and a young girl's excited yells come from inside the house. The front door opens as he approaches and the little girl comes running out to meet him halfway across the yard.]
Neil! It's really you, Neil!
[There's no mistaking his little sister's voice, even though he hasn't heard it in almost eleven years. As she runs closer, she holds out her arms and he scoops her up into a hug. Neil can barely feel her in her arms, only getting a tiny bit of how she should feel in his arms, but it's enough to make up for lost time. As he holds her, he can hear the front door open and close two more times and he looks over to see two more people walk over. Placing a soft kiss on Amy's forehead, he continues walking on until he's face to face with his parents.]
Mum... Dad... I'm sorry it took so long, but I'm home. I'm finally home.
[His mother takes another step forward to hug him tight, as her body barely presses hard enough against him too, tears visibly streaming down her face as she smiles and speaks.]
It's okay, Neil. We're just happy to see you again.
[His father comes up beside him and claps him genially on the shoulder, grinning as well.]
Welcome home, son.
((I know we still have to finish the log on the bad end log, so we can still work on that. Green is Amy, purple is Mrs. Dylandy, and blue is Mr. Dylandy. Uh... other than that, he's not really dead. :D;;;))