Thank you, Daddy! It is my birthday and Mr. G got to celebrate his at FDR. Mr. G made breakfast for me, and brought home chinese and even baked a cake for me. Thank you honey and I hope you forgive me for pitching a fit because it wasn't chocolate icing. Anyway, I had many well wishers today. Lots of calls, cards, emails and im's. I heard from everyone except...dum, dum, dum....Courtney. I guess she figured since she forgot your birthday, she'd even it up and forget mine too. Oh well, hopefully, we'll live long enough for her to remember our birthdays next year. I love you!
ok i must stick up for myself and say that i did call my mother right after she posted that so HAH. AND, i tried calling about 5 times earlier today and no one answered. She wasn't at work, she wasn't answering her cell...tisk tisk. So, happy birthday to the best mother EVER! From, the best daughter ever.
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