{A: Action - Housemates}
-- location: 1448 Mitchell Road
-- time: Around 8am
[It's definitely too early to be waking up on a Saturday but it's just so bright. Almost like he's outside. Is that the sun? How did the sun get into evil lair? Megamind's eyes slowly open to find that someone put a very bright viewscreen in his bedroom. And why in the world does it display a picture of the sun? Okay, this is making less and less sense.
Upon sitting up, it very quickly becomes obvious that THIS IS NOT EVIL LAIR. Megamind shrieks and pulls the covers up to his chin. Who the--- What--- Where?--- SCHEME! It's all a plot. He's been kidnapped and brought to this strange place. He slides out of bed slowly and carefully tiptoes across the room.
Suddenly, something out of the corner of his eye catches his attention. A mirror. No, it couldn't be a mirror because that is definitely not Megamind staring back at himself. He gapes at this... person who is very much not blue, does not have an abnormally large head to contain his abnormally large brain, and... he has hair. A full head of thick, black hair. And that's a godawful, dweeby, hairstyle. Had Megamind ever had hair, he wouldn't be caught dead with that hairstyle.
He steps up to it to inspect its inner workings... except it doesn't seem to have any mechanism. There are no switches, dials, or secret panels. Wait-... Megamind stares at his hands that have reached out to inspect the mirror. They're.... not blue. Very slowly he reaches up to touch the top of his head, although it's much smaller than he's used to. And there's definitely hair there. This mirror actually is a real mirror. And that's what I look like.
For a long while, Megamind gazes at his reflection. His face is as it's always been, but he's so different at the same time. So... normal.
Before too long he remembers that he's not in evil lair and he needs to figure out who's responsible for this trickery. He's sure that his new appearance has something to do with it. Someone is trying to confuse him. And what if they had Minion too? They'd probably use him as bait, the fiends. He peers out the door and down the hallway, listening for any activity...]
((Housemates: Did someone hear Megamind shriek? Or maybe his not!wife was in the bed the whole time and he just didn't notice her...))
{B: Action - Open to all}
-- location: John Doe Park
-- time: Later on in the day, around early afternoon
[Megamind has decided to brave going out into the town. This new look of his has him feeling exceedingly confident. Thank goodness Minion isn't here. He would never approve of this behavior. Megamind is just overwhelmingly curious as to the reactions he'll get. He's never looked like everyone else before. His appearance has always garnered him shock, distaste, and even disgust. But now... he's free to be himself without having to hide away from the cruel world. At least, that's his theory. He might seem a bit nervous as he strolls through the park, glancing every which way and occasionally reaching for his dehydration gun which isn't there to save him.]
Click here to see Megamind's new 50's look.))