Yes. Fire is the hottest thing on earth, even hotter than molten lava and will serve as an excellent symbolism for the burning passionate desire of passion that I feel for you, your sandpaper tongue and the possibilities presented by your sandpaper tongue and my wooden nipple.
you know nathan, you're the only "internet friend" i've ever made that i really, truly care about. and that's why i hate hearing these things from you which i can relate to all too well. at least when you cannot care about yourself you have those who care for you.
Comments 11
I feel the same way for the most part.
Wait for it!
Fire is the hottest thing on earth, even hotter than molten lava and will serve as an excellent symbolism for the burning passionate desire of passion that I feel for you, your sandpaper tongue and the possibilities presented by your sandpaper tongue and my wooden nipple.
I hate hearing it from myself too.
Especially since the story hasn't changed in much too long.
I guess that all I can do is wait for the next medicated, peaceful moment.
And maybe that will keep me from killing you.
Not terribly fond of it, I do have to say.
Maybe I haven't listened to it enough yet, though.
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