Title: Descent Rating: R (child murder, set during a larger genocide) Notes: The choice of Gauron's Khmer name actually wasn't mine, but rather, was something haruki_emishi came up with
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Ooooh, you posted it! Wonderful work - the atmosphere is very dark, and you captured the horrors of those times very well. I always love seeing insight into Gauron's situation, and from what I've heard about the Khmer Rouge, it's pretty understandable how Gauron became so twisted.
This is an especially striking vignette when it comes from the perspective of Gauron, who is actually the killer. I've read a few accounts coming from victims of the Khmer Rouge, so I always find it interesting to read this written from Gauron's point of view.
And reading this, it really makes it pronounced HOW many atrocities Gauron probably committed. Although in TSR, he just kind of lightly alluded to being a lackey in the Khmer Rouge, when you think about it, he probably did a ton of stuff like this.
Comments 1
This is an especially striking vignette when it comes from the perspective of Gauron, who is actually the killer. I've read a few accounts coming from victims of the Khmer Rouge, so I always find it interesting to read this written from Gauron's point of view.
And reading this, it really makes it pronounced HOW many atrocities Gauron probably committed. Although in TSR, he just kind of lightly alluded to being a lackey in the Khmer Rouge, when you think about it, he probably did a ton of stuff like this.
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